Reverend Bizarre
Reverend Bizarre wis a doom metal baund frae Finland. Thay played slaw an hivy traditional doom wi dramatic vocals, followin in the fitstaps o baunds lik Saint Vitus, Pentagram an Black Sabbath.
Accordin tae Albert Witchfinder, the baund haed planned three mair fou-lenth albums: Songs from the Funereal World, Heavier Than Life an How It Was Meant to Be, but this plan wis later devault an the baund made anerlie ae mair LP, disbandin Reverend Bizarre "afore it gaed ill-farrant." The album, III So Long Suckers, wis recordit in the first hauf o 2007, an released in August o that year. The baund's last concerts wur played in the hairst an winter o 2006 culminatin in a final performance in Turku. The baund wis ane o the biggest names in the fowert wave o traditional doom metal.
Twa o the baund's EPs, Harbinger of Metal an Return to the Rectory, actually exceed seiventie minute in lenth. Syne thair disbandin, Albert Witchfinder haes a new baund cried The Puritan, an Peter Vicar haes foondit a new baund cried Lord Vicar, whilk is gaun tae release (alang wi oreeginal material) sangs that Vicar writ for Reverend Bizarre whilk didna mak it ontae ony album.
Previous members
- Juippi - drums
- In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend (2002)
- II: Crush the Insects (2005)
- III: So Long Suckers (2007)
EPs an singles
- Harbinger of Metal (CDEP, 2003)
- Return to the Rectory (CDEP, 2004)
- Slave of Satan (CDS, 2005)
- Thulsa Doom (7" EP, 2006)
- Teutonic Witch (CDS, 2007)
- Dark World/Deceiver (7" EP, 2008)
- The Goddess of Doom (12" EP, 2008)
- Magick with Tears (Dooble 12" (leemitit to 500 copies), Tyrannus Records (Chile), 5/29/2009)
- 7" split wi Ritual Steel (2003)
- 12" split wi Orodruin (2004)
- 7" split wi Minotauri (2004)
- 7" split wi Mannhai (2006)
- 7"/CD split wi Kuolema
- 12" split wi Rättö ja Lehtisalo
- 12" split wi Electric Wizard
- 12" split wi Mr. Velcro Fastener
- Practice Sessions (unpublished rehearsal tape, 1995)
- Slice of Doom (1999)
- You Shall Suffer! (extremely leemitit CDr, 2003)
- Slice of Doom 1999-2002 (2004)
- Death is Glory...Now (2009)
External links
- Reverend Bizarre at MySpace
- Reverend Bizarre at Encyclopaedia Metallum