Rockstar North

Rockstar North Limited (umwhiles kent as DMA Design Limited) is a video gemme developer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The company wis foondit as ACME Software, in Dundee in 1984, bi classmates David Jones, Russell Kay, Steve Hammond, an Mike Dailly, an wis recried DMA Design in 1987. Durin its early years, DMA Design wis backt bi its publisher psygnosis, primarily focusin on Amiga, Atari ST an Commodore 64 games. Durin this time, thay creatit successfu shooters sic as menace, an blood money, but it suin turnt tae platform gemms efter the lowsin o Lemmings in 1991, that wis an international success an lit tae several sequels an spin-affs. Efter developin unirally for Nintendo, DMA Design wis set tae be ane o their main second-party developers, but this partnership endit efter Nintendo's disapproval o Body Harvest.

In 1997, DMA pit oot Grand Theft Auto, that wis a huge success; the gemm turnt a successfu series. The company wis suin bocht bi Gremlin Interactive. Follaein the lowsin o Grand Theft Auto 2, Gremlin wis bocht bi Infogrames. DMA Design wis selt aff tae Take-Two Interactive, the awner o Grand Theft Auto publisher Rockstar Games. In 2001, efter the lowsin o Grand Theft Auto III, DMA Design wis ultimately recried tae Rockstar North an became part o the Rockstar Games label. Efter the shift, the company stairtit wirk on new titles, includin Manhunt, gied support tae other Rockstar Games sic as Red Dead Redemption an Max Payne 3, an keppit up the Grand Theft Auto franchise wi Grand Theft Auto IV (2008) an Grand Theft Auto V (2013). Baith gemmes are considerit ane o the best video gemmes made an Grand Theft Auto V became ane o the best-sellin games o aw time. Leslie Benzies heidit the studio syne the Take-Two acquisition till his depairtur in 2016.