The Sakha (Yakutie) Republic (Roushie: Республика Саха (Якутия); Sakha: Саха Республиката, Sakha Respublikata) is a federal subject o Roushie (a republic). Population: 958,291 (2010 Census),[7] consistin mainly o ethnic Yakuts an Roushies.
Comprisin hauf o the Far Eastren Federal Destrict, it is the lairgest subnaitional govrening body bi aurie in the warld at 3,103,200 km2 (1,198,200 sq mi) (juist smawer nor Indie which covers an aurie o 3,287,240 km2). It haes a population o fewer nor ane million inhabitants. Its caipital is the ceity o Yakutsk.
Afore the arrival o the Roushie Empire, the majority o the local population believed in Tengrianism common tae Turkic-leid fowk o Central Asie, or in Paleoasie indigenous shamanism wi baith 'licht' (community leadin) an 'daurk' (healin through spirit journey) shamans. Unner the Roushies, the local population wis convertit tae the Roushie Orthodox Kirk an required tae tak Orthodox Christian names, but in practice generally continued tae follae traditional releegions. Durin the Soviet era, maist or aw o the shamen dee'd athoot successors.
Currently, while Orthodox Christianity maintains a follaein (housomeivver, wi vera few priests willin tae be stationed ootside o Yakutsk), there is interest an activity toward renewin the traditional releegions. As o 2008, Orthodox leaders describit the warld view o the republic's indigenous population (or, rather, those amang the population who are no completely indifferent tae releegion) as dvoyeverie (dual belief seestem), or a "tendency toward syncretism", as evidencit bi the locals sometimes first invitin a shaman, an then an Orthodox priest tae carry oot their rites in connection wi some event in their life.[12]
Accordin tae the Information Center unner the Preses o Sakha Republic (Информационный центр при Президенте РС(Я)), the releegious demography o the republic wis as follaes:[13]
Heichest point: Peak Pobeda (3,003 m), Peak Mus-Khaya (2959 m or 3,011 m)
Maximum N->S distance: 2,500 km (1,600 mi)
Maximum E->W distance: 2,000 km (1,200 mi)
Sakha stretches tae the Henrietta Islands in the far north an is washed bi the Laptev an Eastren Siberie Seas o the Airctic Ocean. These watters, the cauldest an iciest o aw seas in the northren hemisphere, are covered bi ice for 9–10 months o the year. New Siberie Islands are a pairt o the republic's territory. Efter Nunavut wis separatit frae Canadae's Northwast Territories, Sakha became the lairgest subnaitional entity (statoid) in the warld, wi an aurie o 3,103,200 square kilometre (1,198,200 sq mi), slichtly smawer than the territory o Indie (3.3 million km²).
Sakha can be dividit intae three great vegetation belts. Aboot 40% o Sakha lees abuin the Airctic circle an aw o it is covered bi permafrost which greatly influences the region's ecology an limits forests in the soothren region. Airctic an subairctic tundra define the middle region, where lichen an moss grow as great green carpets an are favorite pasturs for reindeer. In the soothren pairt o the tundra belt, scattered staunds o dwarf Siberie pine an larch grow alang the rivers. Belaw the tundra is the vast taiga forest region. Larch trees dominate in the north an staunds o fir an pine begin tae appear in the sooth. Taiga forests cover aboot 47% o Sakha an amaist 90% o the cover is larch.
The Sakha Republic is the steid o Pleistocene Pairk, a project directit at recreatin pleistocene tundra grasslands bi stimulatin the growth o grass wi the introduction o animals which thrivit in the region durin the late Pleistocene — early Holocene period.
Time zones
Detailed map o the three timezones in the Sakha Republic (as o September 2011)
Sakha spans three different time zones:
Yakutsk Time Zone (YAKT, UTC+10). Covers the republic's territory tae the wast o the Lena River as well as the territories o uluses locatit on the baith sides o the Lena River.
Vladivostok Time Zone (VLAT, UTC+11). Covers maist o the republic's territory locatit atween 127°E an 140°E langitude.
Magadan Time Zone (MAGT, UTC+12). Covers maist o the republic's territory locatit east o 140°E longitude.
Amga River
Navigable Lena River (4,310 km), as it muives northward, includes hunders o sma tributaries locatit in the Verkhoyansk Range. Ither major rivers include:
Vilyuy River (2,650 km) Lena River tributary
Olenyok River (2,292 km)
Aldan River (2,273 km) Lena River tributary
Kolyma River (2,129 km)
Indigirka River (1,726 km)
Alazeya River (1,590 km)
Amga River (1,462 km) Aldan River tributary
Olyokma River (1,320 km) Lena River tributary
Markha River (1,181 km) Vilyuy River tributary
Tyung River (1,092 km) Vilyuy River tributary
Maya River (1,053 km) Aldan River tributary
Anabar River (939 km)
Yana River (872 km)
Morkoka River (812 km) Markha River tributary
Uchur River (812 km) Aldan River tributary
Linde River (804 km) Lena River tributary
Nyuya River (798 km) Lena River tributary
Selennyakh River (796 km) Indigirka River tributary
There are ower 800,000 lakes in the republic.[14] Major lakes an reservoirs include:
Mogotoyevo Lake
Nedzheli Lake
Nerpichye Lake
Vilyuyskoye Reservoir
Sakha's greatest muntain range, the Verkhoyansk Range, runs across the Lena River, forming a great arc that begins the Sea o Okhotsk an ends in the Laptev Sea.
The Chersky Range runs east of the Verkhoyansk Range an has the highest peak in Sakha, Peak Pobeda (3,003 m). Recent satellite photos, revealed that Peak Mus-Khaya may in fact be a higher point, reaching 3,011 m.
The Stanovoi Range borders Sakha in the south.
Udachnaya pipe
Natural resources
Sakha has a lot of natural materials. The soil contains muckle reserves of oil, gas, coal, diamonds, gold, siller, tin, tungsten an mony ithers. 99% o aw Roushie diamonds are mined in Sakha, accoontin for ower 25% o the warld's diamond production.
Sakha is kent for its climate extremes, wi the Verkhoyansk Range being the cauldest aurie in the northren hemisphere. Winters here are extremely cauld. Some o the lawest natural temperaturs iver recordit hae been here. The Northren Hemisphere's Pole o Cauld is at Verkhoyansk, whaur the temperaturs reached as law as −67.8 °C (−90.0 °F) in 1892, an at Oymyakon, whaur the temperaturs reached as law as −71.2 °C (−96.2 °F) in 1926.
Average Januar temperatur: −28 °C (−18 °F) (coast) tae −47 °C (−53 °F) (Pole o Cauld).
Average Julie temperatur: +2 °C (36 °F) (coast) tae +19 °C (66 °F) (central pairts). Housomeivver, it gets vera hot durin the day in Yakutsk in Julie (record = +38.3 °C (100.9 °F)).
Average annual precipitation: 200 mm (central pairts) tae 700 mm (muntains o Eastren Sakha).
Admeenistrative diveesions
Main airticle: Admeenistrative diveesions o the Sakha Republic
Breakdoun o population changes, 1939–2002
The offeecial leids are baith Roushie an Sakha, kent as Yakut an aw, which is spoken bi approximately 25% o the population. The Yakut leid is Turkic wi Mongolie influence an some borraeins frae Sakha's Paleosiberie indigenous fowks.
↑Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №849 от 13 мая 2000 г. «О полномочном представителе Президента Российской Федерации в федеральном округе». Вступил в силу 13 мая 2000 г. Опубликован: "Собрание законодательства РФ", No. 20, ст. 2112, 15 мая 2000 г. (President of the Russian Federation. Decree #849 of May 13, 2000 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a Federal District. Effective as of May 13, 2000.).
↑Госстандарт Российской Федерации. №ОК 024-95 27 декабря 1995 г. «Общероссийский классификатор экономических регионов. 2. Экономические районы», в ред. Изменения №5/2001 ОКЭР. (Gosstandart of the Russian Federation. #OK 024-95 December 27, 1995 Russian Classification of Economic Regions. 2. Economic Regions, as amended by the Amendment #5/2001 OKER. ).
↑"Об исчислении времени". Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). 3 Juin 2011. Retrieved 19 Januar 2019.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
↑Offeecial ootthrou the Roushie Federation accordin tae Airticle 68.1 o the Constitution o Roushie.
↑Елена Дятлова (Yelena Dyatlova) (1 October 2008). "В Якутии господствует двоеверие (Ч. 1) (Yakutia is dominated by a dual belief system)". Во многих случаях нам говорили, что при совершении тех или иных обрядов или просто действий приглашают сначала шамана, потом священника. Правда, именно в таком порядке, признавая христианство чем-то высшим по отношению к местной магической языческой традиции, но это соединяя. Даже среди тех представителей якутской интеллигенции, с которыми мы общались, это стремление к синкретизму было отчетливо приметно. (An interview with Maxim Kozlov, a Moscow priest who had recently returned from a missionary trip down the Lena along with the Bishop of Yakutsk).
↑Archived copy. Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Archived frae the original on 3 Januar 2007. Retrieved 8 December 2011.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
Верховный Совет Республики Саха (Якутия). 4 апреля 1992 г. «Конституция (основной закон) Республики Саха (Якутия)», в ред. Конституционного закона №581-З 53-IV от 22 июля 2008 г. (Supreme Council of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. April 4, 1992 Constitution (Basic Law) of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, as amended by the Constitutional Law #581-Z 53-IV of July 22, 2008. ).