Starn seestem

  • Tap: The Algol three-starn seestem imaged in the near-infrareid bi the CHARA interferometer wi 0.5 mas resolution in 2009. The shape o Algol C is an airtifact.[citation needit]
  • Bottom-left: Algol A is bein regularly eclipsed bi the dimmer Algol B every 2.87 days. (Imaged in the H-baund bi the CHARA interferometer. Sudden jumps in the animation are airtifacts.)
  • Bottom-richt: Airtist's impression o the orbits o HD 188753, a triple starn seestem

A starn seestem or stellar seestem is a smaa nummer o starns that orbit ilk ither,[1] boond bi gravitational attraction.


  1. "Star system" in Modern Dictionary of Astronomy and Space Technology. A.S. Bhatia, ed. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 2005. ISBN 81-7629-741-0