Swiss fitbaw league seestem

The Swiss fitbaw league seestem, is a series o interconnectit leagues for association fitbaw clubs in Swisserland, wi seiven teams frae Liechtenstein, an ane each frae exclaves o Germany an Italy, competin an aw. The seestem haes a hierarchical format wi promotion an relegation atween leagues at different levels, allouin even the smawest club the possibility o ultimately risin tae the vera tap o the seestem.

Acause Liechtenstein does no hae its awn naitional league, its teams play in the Swiss leagues; see Leet o association fitbaw clubs playin in the league o anither kintra.

Level Diveesions
1 Raiffeisen Super League
10 clubs
2 Challenge League
10 clubs
3 1. Liga Promotion
16 clubs
4 1. Liga Classic
(Group 1)
14 clubs
1. Liga Classic
(Group 2)
14 clubs
1. Liga Classic
(Group 3)
14 clubs
5 2. Liga Interregional
(Group 1)
14 clubs
2. Liga Interregional
(Group 2)
14 clubs
2. Liga Interregional
(Group 3)
14 clubs
2. Liga Interregional
(Group 4)
14 clubs
2. Liga Interregional
(Group 5)
14 clubs
2. Liga Interregional
(Group 6)
14 clubs
6 2. Liga
17 regional groups, 204 clubs
7 3. Liga
46 regional groups, 563 clubs
8 4. Liga
75 regional groups, 852 clubs
9 5. Liga
67 regional groups, 685 clubs

Freemit airtins