Template:FC Barcelona managers
Barrow (1917 )
Greenwell (1917 –23)
Spouncer (1923 –24)
Poszony (1924 )
Kirby (1924 –26)
Domby (1926 –27)
Forns (1927 –29)
Bellamy (1929 –31)
Greenwell (1931 –33)
Domby (1933 –34)
Plattkó (1934 –35)
O'Connell (1935 –40)
Planas (1940 –41)
Guzmán (1941 –42)
Nogués (1942 –44)
Samitier (1944 –47)
Fernández (1947 –50)
Daučík (1950 –54)
Puppo (1954 –55)
Plattkó (1955 –56)
Balmanya (1956 –58)
Herrera (1958 –60)
Broćić (1960 –61)
Orizaola (1961 )
Miró (1961 )
Kubala (1961 –63)
Gonzalvo (1963 )
C.Rodríguez (1963 –64)
Sasot (1964 –65)
Olsen (1965 –67)
Artigas (1967 –69)
Seguerc (1969 )
Buckingham (1969 –71)
Michels (1971 –75)
Weisweiler (1975 –76)
Ruizc (1976 )
Michels (1976 –78)
Muller (1978 –79)
Rifé (1979 –80)
Herrera (1980 )
Kubala (1980 )
Herrera (1980 –81)
Lattek (1981 –83)
Menotti (1983 –84)
Venables (1984 –87)
Aragonés (1987 –88)
Cruijff (1988 –91)
Rexachc (1991 )
Cruijff (1991 –96)
Robson (1996 –97)
Van Gaal (1997 –2000)
Serra Ferrer (2000 –01)
Rexach (2001 –02)
Van Gaal (2002 –03)
De la Cruz (2003 )
Antić (2003 )
Rijkaard (2003 –08)
Guardiola (2008 –12)
Vilanova (2012 –13)
Rourac (2012 –13)
Martino (2013 –14)
Luis Enrique (2014 –17)
Valverde (2017 –)
(c) = caretaker manager
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