Tunis Govrenorate
Tunis Govrenorate (Arabic: ولاية تونس) is smawest an maist populatit o the twintie-fower govrenorates (provinces) o Tunisie. It is situatit in northren Tunisie. It covers an aurie o 346 square kilometre (134 sq mi) an haes a population o 984,000 (2004 census). The caipital is Tunis, whilk is the modren day ceety whaur the ancient ceety/caipital o the naition o Carthage wis based.
The Tunis Govrenorate is the lairgest industrial center in the kintra. Openin on the Mediterranean Sea, the govrenorate haes a Mediterranean climate wi annual rainfall reakin 470 mm.
The follaein ceeties an touns are locatit in the Tunis Govrenorate:
The govrenorate o Tunis is producin mair weel. The share o industries in GDP is broken doun as follaes:
- Trade an Services: 49.4%;
- Industry, Energy an Construction: 34.3%;
- Agricultur an Fishin: 16.3%.
In maugre o the dynamics o industrial decentralisation in the suburbs, there fower industrial zones stentin ower 273 hectare:
- La Goulette;
- The Charguia;
- Ibn-Khaldun;
- Jebel Djelloud.
470 industrial companies locatit there includin 175 totally exportin. Thir companies operate mainly in the textile an claithes, the leither an shuin, an electronic an electrical industries. In addition, twa new auries o 58.5 hectares is planned. But the activity the govrenorate haes is mainly marked bi services, mercat an nonmercat.