Tyre Destrict

Location o Tyre Destrict in Lebanon

The Tyre Destrict is a destrict in the Sooth Govrenorate o Lebanon.

Phoenician era

Tyre wis a major port in Phoenician times. It grew walthy frae its far-reachin colonies an industries o purpie-dyed textiles. This attractit the attention o conquerors amang them the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar an Alexander the Great.

Five millennie o history

Foondit at the stairt o the third millennium BC, Tyre oreeginally consistit o a mainland dounset an a modest island ceety that lay a short distance aff shore. But it wis no till the first millennium BC that the ceety experienced its gowden age. In the 10t century BC Hiram, King o Tyre, jynt twa islets bi landfill. Later he extendit the ceety faur bi reclaimin a considerable aurie frae the sea. Phoenician expansion began aboot 815 BC when traders frae Tyre foondit Carthage in North Africae. Eventually its colonies spread aroond the Mediterranean an Atlantic, bringin tae the ceety a flourishin maritime tred. But prosperity an pouer mak thair awn enemies. Early in the saxt century BC Nebuchadnezzar, King o Babylon, laid siege tae the wawed ceety for thirteen years. Tyre stood firm, but it wis probable that at this time the residents o the mainland ceety abandoned it for the safety o the island.

Alexander's era

Alexander the Great In 332 BC set oot tae conquer this strategic coastal ceety durin the war atween the Greeks an the Persians, Unable tae storm the ceety he blockaded Tyre for seeven month, Tyre held on but the conqueror uised the debris o the abandoned mainland ceety tae big a causeway an ance athin reach o the ceety's waws, Alexander uised his siege ingines tae batter an feenally breach the fortifications.

Sae enraged at the Tyrians' defence an the amoont o men lost in the battle, Alexander destroyed hauf o the ceety. The toun's 30,000 residents war massacred or sauld intae slavery. Tyre an the whole o ancient Syria fell unner Roman rule in 64 BC. Nonetheless, for some time Tyre continued tae mint its ain siller coins.

Romans era

The Romans biggit great important monuments in the ceety, includin an aqueduct, a triumphal airch an the lairgest hippodrome in antiquity. Christianity figures in the history o Tyre, the name Tyre is mentioned in the new testament, Durin the Byzantine era the Airchbishop o Tyre wis the primate o aw the bishops o Phoenicie. At that time the ceety witnessed a seicont gowden age as it can be seen frae the remains o its buildings an the inscriptions in the necropolis.

Islamic era

Tyre surrendered tae the Islamic airmies in 634, the ceety affered nae resistance an continued tae prosper unner its new rulers, exportin o succar as well as objects made o pairl an gless makin wis a guid soorce o income for the ceety. Wi the decline o the Abbasid caliphate, Tyr acquired some unthirldom unner the dynasty o Banu Aqil, vassals o the Fatimid Caliphate. This wis a time when Tyre wis adorned wi funtains an its bazaar wur full o different kynds o merchandise includin carpets an jewelry o gowd an siller.

Thanks tae Tyre's strang fortifications it wis able tae resist tae onslaught o the Crusaders til 1124. Efter aboot 180 years o Crusader rule, the Mamluks reteuk the ceety in 1291, til it wis passed on tae the Ottomans at the stairt o the 16t century.

Lebanon era

Wi the end o Warld War I Tyre wis integratit intae the new naition o Lebanon.

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