Alan Sillitoe

Alan Sillitoe
Alan Sillitoe
Biografske informacije
RođenjeNottingham, Engeska
Smrt25. 4. 2010. (dob: 82)
London, Britanija
NacionalnostUjedinjeno Kraljevstvo britansko
SupružnikRuth Fainlight

Alan Sillitoe (4.3. 192825.4. 2010) je bio engleski pisac, jedan od pripadnika generacije "Mladih gnjevnih ljudi" 1950-ih. Najpoznatiji je po romanu Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, objavljenom 1958. godine, a dvije godine kasnije adaptiranom u istoimeni film Karela Reisza. Godinu dana kasnije je napisao pripovjetku The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, na temelju koje je 1962. napisao scenarij za film Tonyja Richardsona.

Sillitoe je nio oženjen za američku pjesnikinju Ruth Fainlight, s kojom je imao dvoje djece.


  • Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1958)
  • The General (1960)
  • Key to the Door (1961)
  • Road To Volgograd (1964)
  • The Death of William Posters (1965)
  • A Tree on Fire (1967)
  • A Start in Life (1970)
  • Travels in Nihilon (1971)
  • Raw Material (1972)
  • The Flame of Life (1974)
  • The Widower's Son (1976)
  • The Storyteller (1979)
  • Her Victory (1982)
  • The Lost Flying Boat (1983)
  • Down from the Hill (1984)
  • Life Goes On (1985)
  • Out of the Whirlpool (1987)
  • The Open Door (1989)
  • Last Loves (1990)
  • Leonard's War (1991)
  • Snowstop (1993)
  • The Broken Chariot (1998)
  • The German Numbers Woman (2000)
  • A Man of His Time (2004)

Zbirke priča

  • The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1959)
  • The Ragman's Daughter (1963)
  • Guzman, Go Home (1968)
  • Men, Women and Children (1973)
  • The Second Chance (story) (1981)
  • The Far Side of the Street (1988)
  • Alligator Playground (1997)

Zbirke pjesma

  • The Rats and Other Poems (1960)
  • A Falling Out of Love (1964)
  • Love in the Environs of Voronezh (1968)
  • Storm and Other Poems (1974)
  • Snow on the North Side of Lucifer (1979)
  • Sun before Departure (1984)
  • Tides and Stone Walls (1986)

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