Glukuronidaza (EC3.2.1.31, beta-glukuronid glukuronahidrolazna glukuronidaza, ekso-beta-D-glukuronidaza, ketodaza) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom beta-D-glukuronazid glukuronazohidrolaza.[1][2][3][4][5] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
beta-D-glukuronazid + H2O D-glukuronat + alkohol
↑Diez, T. and Cabezas, J.A. (1978). „Properties of two molecular forms of β-glucuronidase from the mollusc Littorina littorea L”. Eur. J. Biochem.93: 301-311.
↑Doyle, M.L., Katzman, P.A. and Doisy, E.A. (1955). „Production and properties of bacterial β-glucuronidase”. J. Biol. Chem.217: 921-930. PMID13271452.
↑Levvy, G.A. and Marsh, C.A. (1960). „β-Glucuronidase”. u: Boyer, P.D., Lardy, H. and Myrbäck, K.. The Enzymes. 4 (2nd izd.). New York: Academic Press. str. 397-407.
Levvy, G.A. and Marsh, C.A. (1960). „β-Glucuronidase”. u: Boyer, P.D., Lardy, H. and Myrbäck, K.. The Enzymes. 4 (2nd izd.). New York: Academic Press. str. 397-407.