Jane's Information Group

Jane's Information Group
Logo Jane'sa
Matično društvoIHS Inc.
OsnivačFred T. Jane
Matična država Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
SjedišteUjedinjeno Kraljevstvo London, Engleska
Tip publikacijaknjige, naučni časopisi, baze podataka
Tematikavojna nauka, avijacija, astronautika, transport, itd.

Jane's Information Group je britanska kompanija fokusirana na izdavanje publikacija o vojnim naukama, avijaciji, astronautici i transportu. Specijalizirana je za obradu otvorenih izvora (engl. OSINT) i uz štampana izdanja uređuje i tehnološke baze podataka. Osnovana je 1898. godine od strane F. T. Janea, urednika referentnih djela o ratnim brodovima (kasnije i borbenih aviona), a sjedište joj se nalazi u Londonu. Kompanija također ima i niz podružnica u gradovima diljem svijeta, uključujući Washington, Los Angeles, Dubai, Singapur, Tokio, Sydney, Peking, New Delhi i Ottawu. Od svog osnutka kompanija je promijenila više vlasnika i 2007. preuzela ju je američka kompanija IHS zbog čega se navodi i kao IHS Jane's. Prije toga bila je u vlasništvu kanadskog Woodbridgea, a još ranije također kanadskog Thomsona.


  • Jane's 3-D
  • Jane's Aero-Engines
  • Jane's AFV Retrofit Systems
  • Jane's Air Traffic Control
  • Jane's Aircraft Component Manufacturers
  • Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide
  • Jane's Aircraft Upgrades
  • Jane's Air-Launched Weapons
  • Jane's Airports and Handling Agents
  • Jane's Airports, Equipment and Services
  • Jane's All the World's Aircraft
  • Jane's Ammunition Handbook
  • Jane's Amphibious and Special Forces
  • Jane's Amphibious Warfare Capabilities
  • Jane's Armour and Artillery
  • Jane's Armour and Artillery Upgrades
  • Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Systems
  • Jane's Avionics
  • Jane's Battlefield Surveillance Systems
  • Jane's C3I Systems
  • Jane's C4I Systems
  • Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook
  • Jane's Chemical-Biological Defense Guidebook
  • Jane's Combat Support Equipment
  • Jane's Counter Terrorism
  • Jane's Defence Industry News
  • Jane's Electronic Mission Aircraft
  • Jane's Electro-Optic Systems
  • Jane's Exclusive Economic Zones
  • Jane's Fighting Ships
  • Jane's Guns Recognition Guide
  • Jane's Helicopters Markets and Systems
  • Jane's High Command
  • Jane's High Speed Marine Transportation
  • Jane's Infantry Weapons
  • Jane's Intelligence Watch Report
  • Jane's International ABC Aerospace Directory
  • Jane's International Defence Directory
  • Jane's Land-Based Air Defence
  • Jane's Land Warfare Platforms
  • Jane's Marine Propulsion
  • Jane's Merchant Ships
  • Jane's Military Communications
  • Jane's Military Training Systems
  • Jane's Military Vehicles and Logistics
  • Jane's Mines and Mine Clearance
  • Jane's Naval Construction and Retrofit Markets
  • Jane's Naval Weapon Systems
  • Jane's NBC Proctection Equipment
  • Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence
  • Jane's Personal Combat Equipment
  • Jane's Police and Security Equipment
  • Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems
  • Jane's Road Traffic Management
  • Jane's Security and Counter-Insurgency Equipment
  • Jane's Sentinel Security Assessments
  • Jane's Simulation and Training Systems
  • Jane's Space Directory
  • Jane's Special Forces Recognition Guide
  • Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems
  • Jane's Surface Skimmers Systems
  • Jane's Survey Vessels
  • Jane's Terrorism Watch Report
  • Jane's Unconventional Weapons
  • Jane's Underwater Technology
  • Jane's Underwater Warfare Systems
  • Jane's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets
  • Jane's Urban Transport Systems
  • Jane's Vintage Aircraft Recognition Guide
  • Jane's Weapon Systems
  • Jane’s World Air Forces
  • Jane's World Airlines
  • Jane's World Armies
  • Jane's World Defence Industry
  • Jane's World Insurgency and Terrorism
  • Jane's World Navies
  • Jane's World Railways
  • Jane's Airport Review
  • Jane's Asian Infrastructure Monthly
  • Jane's Defence Industry
  • Jane's Defence Upgrades
  • Jane's Defence Weekly
  • Jane's Foreign Report
  • Jane's Intelligence Digest
  • Jane's Intelligence Review
  • Jane's International Defence Review
  • Jane's International Police Review
  • Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst
  • Jane's Missiles and Rockets
  • Jane's Navy International
  • Jane's Police Review (prekinuto)
  • Jane's Terrorism and Security Monitor
  • Jane's Transport Finance

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