Peter Orszag

Peter Orszag
Peter Orszag

37. direktor Ureda za upravu i buzdžet
Na dužnosti
20. januar 2009. – 30. jul 2010.
Predsjednik Barack Obama
Zamjenik Rob Nabors
Jeffrey Liebman (v.d.)
Prethodnik Jim Nussle
Nasljednik Jeffrey Zients (v.d.)

7. direktor Kongresnog budžetskog ureda
Na dužnosti
18. januar 2007. – 25. novembar 2008.
Prethodnik Donald Marron (v.d.)
Nasljednik Robert Sunshine (v.d.)

Rođen/a 18. 12. 1968. (1968-12-18) (dob: 55)
Boston, SAD
Politička stranka Demokratska stranka
Alma mater Princeton University
London School of Economics
Religija judaizam

Peter Richard Orszag (16. decembar 1968 -) je američki ekonomist koji je od 2009. do 2010. služio kao direktora Ureda za upravu i budžet u administraciji predsjednika Baracka Obame. Prije toga je od 2007. do 2008. vršio dužnost direktora Kongresnog budžetskog ureda.

Orszag se na čelu svog Ureda zalagao za smanjenje troškova federalne uprave i nastojanje da se smanji deficit.


  • Orszag, Peter (9. 07. 2008.). „Climate Change Economics”. Washington Post: str. A15. Pristupljeno 05. 04. 2009. 
  • Orszag, Peter, et al. American Economic Policy in the 1990s (MIT Press: 2002)
  • Orszag, Peter, et al. Protecting the American Homeland: A Preliminary Analysis (Brookings Institution Press: 2002)
  • Orszag, Peter, et al. Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach (Brookings Institution Press: 2004)
  • Orszag, Peter, et al. Protecting the Homeland 2006/7 (Brookings Institution Press: 2006)
  • Orszag, Peter, et al. Aging Gracefully: Ideas to Improve Retirement Security in America (Century Foundation Press: 2006)
  • Orszag, Peter. 1999. Administrative Costs in Individual Accounts in the United Kingdom. Washington, DC: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • "Implications of the New Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Risk-Based Capital Standard" (March).Fannie Mae Papers 1, no. 2 (March 2002)
  • Orszag, Peter R. (1. 10. 2008.). „CBO's Analysis of Dodd Substitute Amendment for H.R. 1424” (PDF). Congressional Budget Office. str. 2. Pristupljeno 03. 10. 2008. 
  • Orszag, Peter and Joseph E. Stiglitz. "Rethinking Pension Reform: Ten Myths about Social Security Systems." In Robert Holzman and Joseph Stiglitz, eds., New Ideas about Old Age Security. (The World Bank: 2001).
  • Orszag, Peter, J. Michael Orszag. "The Benefits of Flexible Funding: Implications for Pension Reform in an Uncertain World." In Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. (The World Bank: 2001).


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