Pygmalion (drama)
Za ostale upotrebe, v. Pigmalion (razvrstavanje) .
Pigmalion (izvorni naslov: Pygmalion ) je najpoznatije djelo Georgea Bernarda Shawa , zabavna komedija.
profesor Henry Higgins
prodavačica cvijeća Eliza Doolittle
Alfred P. Doolittle
pukovnik George Pickering
Freddy Eynsford-Hill
Profesor Higgins je profesor fonetike, i za okladu će pokušati naučiti Elizu pravilno govoriti, no pritom će se njih dvoje zaljubiti što će pomalo zapetljati situaciju...
Pigmalion je snimljen kao film više puta (nabrojane su poznatije verzije, ukupno ih ima preko 10):
1938 . kao "Pygmalion" u režiji Anthonyja Asquitha i Leslieja Howarda
1964 . kao mjuzikl "My Fair Lady" u režiji Georgea Cukora s Rexom Harrisonom i Audrey Hepburn u glavnim ulogama
1983 . kao "Educating Rita" u režiji Lewisa Gilberta s Julie Walters i Michaelom Caineom u glavnim ulogama
1983 . kao "Pygmalion" u režiji Alana Cookea s Peterom O'Tooleom i Margot Kidder u glavnim ulogama
1870-e 1880-e 1890-e 1900-e
The Admirable Bashville
Man and Superman
Don Juan in Hell (III čin drame Man and Superman )
John Bull's Other Island
How He Lied to Her Husband
Major Barbara
Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction
The Doctor's Dilemma
The Interlude at the Playhouse
Getting Married
The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet
Press Cuttings
Fascinating Foundling
The Glimpse of Reality
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets
Fanny's First Play
Androcles and the Lion
Beauty's Duty
Great Catherine
The Music Cure
O'Flaherty V.C.
The Inca of Perusalem
Augustus Does His Bit
Macbeth Skit
Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress
Heartbreak House
Back to Methuselah
A Glimpse of the Domesticity of Franklin Barnabas
Jitta's Atonement
Saint Joan
The Apple Cart
Too True to Be Good
How These Doctors Love One Another!
Village Wooing
On the Rocks
The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles
The Six of Calais
The Millionairess
Arthur and the Acetone
Cymbeline Refinished
In Good King Charles's Golden Days
The British Party System
Buoyant Billions
Farfetched Fables
Shakes versus Shav
Why She Would Not
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