
Ratramnus (? - cca. 870) bio je franački redovnik iz samostana Corbie i teolog u službi Karolinga, najpoznatiji po svojim djelima kojima se bavi pitanjima euharistije i predestinacije. Njehov euharistijski traktat De corpora et sanguine Domini (O tijelu i krvi Gospodina) je bio suprostatvljen teološkim stavovima vlastitog opata Paschasiusa Radbertusa. Ratramnus je poznat i po tome što je branio teologa Gottschalka, čija je teologija dvostruke predestinacije bila veliki izvor kontroverzi u Francuskoj i Njemačkoj 9. vijeka. Svojim suvremenicima je bio poznat i po djelu Protiv prigovora Grka koji su klevetali rimsku Crkvu, odnosno odgovoru na Fotijevu šizmu i obranu dodavanja izraza filioque u nikejsko vjerovanje.[1]


  1. G.E. McCracken, ed. Early Medieval Theology, Library of Christian Classics 9 (Louisville: KY, 1957), pp. 109-47, here 109.
  • Chazelle, C. “Exegesis in the Ninth-Century Eucharistic Controversy.” In The Study of the Bible in the Carolingian Era. Ed. C. Chazelle and B. van Name Edwards. pp. 167–87. Turnhout: Brepols, 2003.
  • Chazelle, C. “Exegesis in the 9th-century Eucharistic Controversy.” In The Study of the Bible in the Carolingian Era. Ed. C. Chazelle and B. van Name Edwards. pp. 167–87. Turnhout: Brepols, 2003.
  • Fahey, John J. “The Eucharistic Teaching of Ratramnus of Corbie.” Unpublished PhD diss. (St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, 1951).
  • Ginther, James. Westminster Handbook to Medieval Theology, Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009.
  • McCracken, G.E., ed. Early Medieval Theology, Library of Christian Classics, vol. 9. Louisville: KY, 1957.
  • Otten, Willemien. "Between Augustinian sign and Carolingian reality: the presence of Ambrose and Augustine in the Eucharistic debate between Paschasius Radbertus and Ratramnus of Corbie." Nederlands archief voor kerkgeschiedenis 80, no. 2 (2000): 137-156.
  • Roberts, Timothy Roland. “A translation and critical edition of Ratramnus of Corbie's De Predestinatione dei. Unpublished PhD diss. (University of Missouri, Columbia, 1977).
  • Tanghe, W.V. “Ratramnus of Corbie’s Use of the Fathers in his Treatise De corpora et sanguine Domini.” Studia Patristica 17, no. 1 (1982): 176-80.
  • Zirkel, Patricia McCormick. "The Ninth-Century Eucharistic Controversy: A Context for the Beginnings of Eucharistic Doctrine in the West." Worship 68, no. 1 (1994): 2-23.