The Scarlet Letter

Za ostala značenja, vidi Scarlet Letter (razvrstavanje).
The Scarlet Letter
Naslovna stranica prvog izdanja iz 1850. godine
Autor(i)Nathaniel Hawthorne
Žanr(ovi)ljubavni i historijski roman
IzdavačTicknor, Reed & Fields
Datum izdanja1850

The Scarlet Letter (sh. Skrletno slovo) je roman američkog književnika Nathaniela Hawthornea objavljen 1850. Radnja mu je smještena u kolonijalni Massachusetts u 17. vijeku, kojim su tada dominirali puritanski engleski doseljenici. Protagonistica je Hester Prynne, udovica koja je u preljubničkoj aferi dobila dijete, te zbog toga kažnjena tako da mora nositi haljinu sa grimiznim slovom "A" (adultereess, na engleskom "preljubnica"); usprkos svega, ona odbija razotkriti ime muškarca s kojim je zgriješila. The Scarlet Letter je, usprkos protesta iz strane pojedinih vjerskih krugova, doživio veliki uspjeh i postao jedan od prvih bestselera u historiji američke književnosti. S obzirom na njegovu popularnost, ali i uticaj koji je imao na buduće američke književnike, često ga se naziva i prvim velikim američkim romanom. Kasnije je postao predmetom brojnih filmskih adaptacija.




  • Brodhead, Richard H. Hawthorne, Melville, and the Novel. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1973.
  • Brown, Gillian. "'Hawthorne, Inheritance, and Women's Property", Studies in the Novel 23.1 (Spring 1991): 107-18.
  • Cañadas, Ivan. "A New Source for the Title and Some Themes in The Scarlet Letter". Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 32.1 (Spring 2006): 43–51.
  • Korobkin, Laura Haft. "The Scarlet Letter of the Law: Hawthorne and Criminal Justice". Novel: a Forum on Fiction 30.2 (Winter 1997): 193–217.
  • Gartner, Matthew. "The Scarlet Letter and the Book of Esther: Scriptural Letter and Narrative Life". Studies in American Fiction 23.2 (Fall 1995): 131-51.
  • Newberry, Frederick. Tradition and Disinheritance in The Scarlet Letter". ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 23 (1977), 1–26; repr. in: The Scarlet Letter. W. W. Norton, 1988: pp. 231-48.
  • Reid, Alfred S. Sir Thomas Overbury's Vision (1616) and Other English Sources of Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter. Gainesville, FL: Scholar's Facsimiles and Reprints, 1957.
  • Reid, Bethany. "Narrative of the Captivity and Redemption of Roger Prynne: Rereading The Scarlet Letter". Studies in the Novel 33.3 (Fall 2001): 247-67.
  • Ryskamp, Charles. "The New England Sources of The Scarlet Letter". American Literature 31 (1959): 257–72; repr. in: "The Scarlet Letter", 3rd edn. Norton, 1988: 191–204.
  • Savoy, Eric. "'Filial Duty': Reading the Patriarchal Body in 'The Custom House'". Studies in the Novel 25.4 (Winter 1993): 397–427.
  • Sohn, Jeonghee. Rereading Hawthorne's Romance: The Problematics of Happy Endings. American Studies Monograph Series, 26. Seoul: American Studies Institute, Seoul National University, 2001; 2002.
  • Stewart, Randall (Ed.) The American Notebooks of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Based upon the original Manuscripts in the Piermont Morgan Library. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932.
  • Waggoner, Hyatt H. Hawthorne: A Critical Study, 3rd edn. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971.

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