The Jazz Singer

Za ostala značenja, vidi The Jazz Singer (razvrstavanje).
The Jazz Singer
RežijaAlan Crosland
ScenarioAlfred A. Cohn
Temeljen naistoimenoj predstavi Samsona Raphaelsona
UlogeAl Jolson
May McAvoy
Warner Oland
MuzikaLouis Silvers
Direktor fotografijeHal Mohr
MontažaHarold McCord
Premijerno prikazivanje
6. 10. 1927 (1927-10-06)
Trajanje89 min.
Zemlja Sjedinjene Države
DistributerWarner Bros.
Budžet422.000 $
Prethodi: Slijedi:

The Jazz Singer je američki igrani film iz 1927. godine, poznat prije svega kao prvi cjelovečernji film sa sinkroniziranim scenama dijaloga, a koji se često kolokvijalno (i pogrešno) navodi kao prvi zvučni film. Producirao ga je studio Warner Bros. koristeći novu Vitaphone tehniku snimanja zvuka na ploči, a režirao ga je Alan Crosland. Radnja se temeljila na kazališnom komadu Samsona Raphaelsona, a naslovnu ulogu - jevrejskog pjevača iz tradicionalne porodice koji, prkoseći strogom ocu, napušta kuću kako bi započeo uspješnu karijeru jazz pjevača - tumačio Al Jolson, kome je to bila najpoznatija uloga u karijeri. Film je doživio ogroman komercijalni uspjeh te potakao druge filmske studije u Hollywoodu i ostatku svijeta da u svoja ostvarenja ubacuju što više govora i muzike, označivši time početak kraja ere nijemog filma.

Glumačka postava

  • Al Jolson kao Jakie Rabinowitz (Jack Robin)
  • May McAvoy kao Mary Dale
  • Warner Oland kao Kantor Rabinowitz
  • Yossele Rosenblatt glumi sam sebe
  • Eugenie Besserer kao Sara Rabinowitz
  • Otto Lederer kao Moisha Yudelson
  • Bobby Gordon kao Jakie Rabinowitz (u dobi od 13 godina)
  • Richard Tucker kao Harry Lee



  • Bloom, Ken (2004). Broadway: Its History, People, and Places—An Encyclopedia. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0-415-93704-3
  • Bradley, Edwin M. (2004). The First Hollywood Musicals: A Critical Filmography of 171 Features, 1927 Through 1932. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-2029-4
  • Brenner, Lisa Silberman (2003). "Blackface as Religious Expression," Cross Currents, fall (available online).
  • Carringer, Robert L. (1979). The Jazz Singer. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 0-299-07664-4
  • Crafton, Donald (1999 [1997]). The Talkies: American Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1926–1931. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-22128-1
  • Crisp, Colin G. (1997). The Classic French Cinema, 1930–1960. Bloomington/London: Indiana University Press/I. B. Tauris. ISBN 0-253-21115-8
  • Eyman, Scott (1997). The Speed of Sound: Hollywood and the Talkie Revolution, 1926–1930. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-684-81162-6
  • Finler, Joel W. (1988). The Hollywood Story. New York: Crown. ISBN 0-517-56576-5
  • Gabbard, Krin (1996). Jammin' at the Margins: Jazz and the American Cinema. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-27789-5
  • Glancy, H. Mark (1995). "Warner Bros. Film Grosses, 1921–51: The William Schaefer Ledger," Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, March (available online).
  • Gomery, Douglas (2005). The Coming of Sound: A History. New York and Oxon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-96900-X
  • Hall, Mordaunt (1927). "Al Jolson and the Vitaphone [review of The Jazz Singer]", New York Times, October 7 (available online Arhivirano 2017-03-05 na Wayback Machine-u).

  • Jessel, George (2006 [1943]). So Help Me: The Autobiography of George Jessel. Kessinger. ISBN 1-4286-5975-7
  • Koszarski, Richard (1994 [1990]). An Evening's Entertainment: The Age of the Silent Feature Picture, 1915–1928. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-08535-3
  • Kroll, Jack (1997). "The Movies: They Are The Art Form Of Our Era, A Spectacle That Attracts The Whole World", Newsweek, December 2 (available online).
  • Lhamon, W. T. (1998). Raising Cain: Blackface Performance from Jim Crow to Hip Hop. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-74711-9
  • Low, Rachael (1997 [1971]). The History of the British Film 1918–1929 (The History of British Film, Volume IV). Oxford and New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0-415-15649-1
  • Lusk, Norbert (1927). "'Jazz Singer' Scores a Hit", Los Angeles Times, October 16.
  • Rees, Nigel (1999). Brewer's Famous Quotations: 5000 Quotations and the Stories Behind Them. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 0-304-36799-0
  • Schatz, Thomas (1998 [1989]). The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-19596-2
  • Stark, Seymour (2000). Men in Blackface: True Stories of the Minstrel Show. Xlibris. ISBN 0-7388-5735-1
  • Variety staff (1927). "The Jazz Singer," Variety (available online).
  • Willis, Corin (2005). "Meaning and Value in The Jazz Singer (Alan Crosland, 1927)," in Style And Meaning: Studies In The Detailed Analysis Of Film, ed. John Gibbs and Douglas Pye. Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-6524-0

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