Millennium: 2nd millennium
Centuries: 12th century13th century14th century
Decades: 1240s  1250s  1260s  – 1270s –  1280s  1290s  1300s
Years: 1272 1273 127412751276 1277 1278



War and politics

  • April 22 – The first of the Statutes of Westminster are passed by the English parliament, establishing a series of laws in its 51 clauses, including equal treatment of rich and poor, free and fair elections, and definition of bailable and non-bailable offenses.
  • Eleanor de Montfort is captured by pirates in the employ of Edward I of England to prevent her marriage to Llywelyn the Last, prince of Wales; she is used as a bargaining chip over the coming years in Edward's attempts to subjugate Llywelyn and Wales.
  • Scottish forces defeat the Manx of the Isle of Man in a decisive battle, firmly establishing Scottish rule of the island.
  • Third Mongol Golden Horde raid against Lithuania.

Culture, religion, and science

  • Jean de Meun completes the French allegorical work of fiction, Roman de la Rose, with a second section; the first section was written by Guillaume de Lorris in 1230.
  • The verge escapement, a simple type of escapement used in clocks, is invented (exact year unknown).
  • Ramon Llull establishes a school in Majorca to teach Arabic to preachers in an attempt to aid proselytizing to Moors. He also discovers diethyl ether.
  • The first main survey of the Hundred Rolls, an English census seen as a follow up to the Domesday Book completed in 1086, is finished; it began in 1274.


Eras and population estimates


  • September 27 – John II, Duke of Brabant (died 1312)
  • William of Alnwick, Franciscan theologian (approximate date; died 1333)
  • Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Lord Badlesmere (died 1322)
  • Walter V of Brienne, Duke of Athens (approximate date; died 1311)
  • Edward Bruce, Scottish nobleman (approximate date; died 1318)
  • Dnyaneshwar, Hindu saint and poet (died 1296)
  • Gediminas, Duke of Lithuania (approximate date; died 1341)
  • Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor (approximate date; died 1313)
  • Mondino de Liuzzi, Italian physician and anatomist (died 1326)
  • John Menteith, Scottish nobleman (approximate date; died 1323)
  • Giovanni Villani, Florentine writer (approximate date; died 1348)
  • Giovanni d'Andrea, Italian jurist


  • April 13 – Eleanor of England (born 1215)
  • September 24 – Humphrey de Bohun, 2nd Earl of Hereford, Constable of England (born 1208)
  • Bohemund VI of Antioch (born 1237)
  • Ferdinand de la Cerda, Infante of Castile, Crown Prince of Castile