
4Q120, fragment 20, 1st-century BCE, showing portions of verses 26 through 28 of Leviticus 4
Detail: the Divine Name in verse 27

4Q120 (also pap4QLXXLevb; VH 46; Rahlfs 802; LDAB 3452) is a Septuagint manuscript (LXX) of the biblical Book of Leviticus, which was found at Qumran. The Rahlfs-No. is 802. Palaoegraphycally it dates from the first century BCE.


In the manuscript it is attested use of Ιαω to translate the tetragrammaton in Leviticus 3:12 (frg. 6) and 4:27 (frg. 20)

Greek text according to A. R. Meyer:

Lev 4:27

[αφεθησεται ]αυτωι εαν[ δε ψυχη μια]
[αμαρτ]η[ι α]κουσιως εκ[ του λαου της]
[γης ]εν τωι ποιησαι μιαν απ[ο πασων]
των εντολων ιαω ου πο[ιηθησε] [1]:220

Lev 3:12–13

[τωι ιαω] 12 εαν δ[ε απο των αιγων]
[το δωρ]ον αυτο[υ και προσαξει εν]
[αντι ι]αω 13 και ε[πιθησει τας χει] [1]:221

Actual location

Currently the manuscript is housed in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem.
