
Katapola bay
Panagía Chosoviótissa (Παναγία Χοζοβιώτισσα) monastery

Amorgos is an island in the Aegean Sea. It is a part of Greece and a part of the Cyclades. Its area is 126,3 km2. There is one municipality which has 1859 inhabitants.[1] Its highest mountain Krikellos has 821 m.


The largest towns and settlements are:

  • Aigiali (pop. 229)
  • Chora (Amorgos) (398)
  • Arkesini (129)
  • Katapola (128)
  • Ormos Egialis (125)
  • Potamos (116)
  • Rachidi (148)
  • Tholaria (147)
  • Xylokeratidion (107)


  1. "2001 census". Archived from the original on 2020-09-24. Retrieved 2009-05-10.

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