Bret Weinstein
Dr. Bret Weinstein is a biologist whose area of study is evolution.
Evergreen State University
Weinstein was a professor at Evergreen State University. Evergreen had a tradition where black students would not go there one day a year called The Day of Absence to remind everyone how much they needed black people. Then the college decided to say that from now on The Day of Absence would have to be all white students who would not come during the Day of Absence. Dr. Bret Weinstein said that telling white people not to go to school one day a year was racist and therefore opposed it. Several students launched riots in protest and accused him of being a white supremacist. Dr. Bret Weinstein and his wife Dr. Heather Heying then quit and were interviewed about what happened by Bari Weiss, Tucker Carlson, Dave Rubin, Eric Weinstein, Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan.
Dr. Bret Weinstein was in the documentary No Safe Spaces with Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla.
Bret Weinstein and his wife Dr Heather Heying wrote a book called A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to Life in the 21st Century and co-host a podcast called The Dark Horse Podcast.
Bret Weinstein has caused controversy due to him believing that Ivermectin can be used to treat Covid and because of him not believing that the Covid vaccine works. Bret Weinstein is also part of the Intellectual dark web.