Come Along with Me (Adventure Time)

"Come Along with Me" is an American animated television special based on the animated television series Adventure Time. The special, made up of four episodes, is the series finale of Adventure Time, as well as its tenth season finale. The special first aired on September 3, 2018 on Cartoon Network.

In the special, the Finn the Human and Jake the Dog must help their friend Princess Bubblegum battle Gumbald, her vengeful creation. When the villains realize that violent war is unnecessary, they team up to keep the evil entity GOLB from destroying the land of Ooo.

The episode received positive reviews by praising show creator Pendleton Ward for wrapping everything and answering questions the series left unanswered.[1] The episode became notable because it showed Princess Bubblegum and Marceline the Vampire Queen kiss thus confirming their speculated relationship.[2]


  1. Schindel, Daniel (September 4, 2018). "Adventure Time Finale Review: 'Come Along with Me'". IGN. Retrieved September 4, 2018.
  2. Valdez, Nick (September 3, 2018). "Adventure Time Fans React to Princess Bubblegum and Marceline's Big Finale Moment". Retrieved September 4, 2018.