Cow Days

"Cow Days" is the thirteenth episode of the second season of the American animated television series South Park. The 26th episode of the series overall, it originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on September 30, 1998. Series creator Trey Parker wrote the episode with writer David Goodman. Parker also directed the episode. In "Cow Days," a couple named Tom and Mary win a trip to South Park from a game show. They show up for South Park's "Cow Days" festival. They are suprised that the festival is so small and simple. Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman are at the festival. In this episode, all the cows in South Park form a cult. Eric Cartman is hit on the head and thinks he is a Vietnamese prostitute.[1]


  1. Phil Dyess-Nugent (September 9, 2012). "South Park (Classic): "Cow Days"/"Chef Aid"". A.V. Club.