
Two gay men showing effeminate traits, like long hair and high heels

When boys or men show traits or take roles that are associated with the image of being a girl or woman this is known as effeminacy. Throughout history, such men have been faced with prejudice and discrimination. Gay men are often seen as showing effeminacy. However, femininity, masculinity, and other forms of gender expression are independent of sexual orientation.

Other words for effeminacy include: pansy, nelly, pretty boy, nancy boy, girly boy, molly, sissy, pussy, tomgirl, femboy,[1] roseboy, baby, and girl (when applied to a boy or, especially, adult man). The word effete similarly implies effeminacy or over-refinement, but comes from the Latin term effetus meaning 'having given birth; exhausted', from ex- and fetus 'offspring'. The term tomgirl, meaning a girlish boy, comes from an inversion of tomboy, meaning a boyish girl. The term girly boy comes from a gender-inversion of girly girl.


  1. "What Does femboy Mean? | Gender & Sexuality by Dictionary.com". Everything After Z by Dictionary.com. Retrieved 2020-03-11.