Hail to Thee, Nicaragua

"Salve a ti, Nicaragua" (Spanish pronunciation: [sˈalβe ˈa tˈi, nˌikaɾˈaɣwa]; "Hail to Thee, Nicaragua") is the national anthem of Nicaragua.


Spanish original[1] IPA transcription Poetic English translation

Salve a ti, Nicaragua! En tu suelo,
ya no ruge la voz del cañón,
𝄆 ni se tiñe con sangre de hermanos
tu glorioso pendón bicolor. 𝄇

Brille hermosa la paz en tu cielo,
nada empañe tu gloria inmortal,
¡Qué el trabajo es tu digno laurel!
¡Y el honor es tu enseña triunfal!
¡Es tu enseña triunfal!

[sˈalβe ˈa tˈi, nˌikaɾˈaɣwa ˈen tˈu swˈelo]
[ʝˈa nˈo ɾɾˈuxe lˈa bˈoθ dˈel kaɲˈon]
𝄆 [nˈi sˈe tˈiɲe kˈon sˈaŋɡɾe dˈe eɾmˈanos]
[tˈu ɡloɾjˈoso pendˈon bˌikolˈoɾ] 𝄆

[bɾˈiʎe eɾmˈosa lˈa pˈaθ ˈen tˈu θjˈelo]
[nˈaða empˈaɲe tˈu ɡlˈoɾja ˌinmoɾtˈal]
[kˈe ˈel tɾaβˈaxo ˈes tˈu dˈiɡno la͡ʊɾˈel]
[ˈi ˈel onˈoɾ ˈes tˈu ensˈeɲa tɾiumfˈal]
[ˈes tˈu ensˈeɲa tɾiumfˈal]

Hail to thee, Nicaragua! On thy land
roareth the voice of the cannon no more,
𝄆 nor doeth the blood of brothers now stain
thy glorious bicolour banner. 𝄇

Let peace shine beautifully in thy sky,
and nothing dimmeth thine immortal glory,
for labour is thy well-earned laurel
and honour is thy triumphal emblem,
is thy triumphal emblem!


  1. "Himno Nacional de Nicaragua" (PDF). University of Northern Iowa. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2022-02-11. Retrieved 2022-02-10.