
Jahbulon (or Jabulon) is a word, or a confection of three syllables, that was used in the past in some rituals of certain parts of Masonry. It is also said to be used in Ordo Templi Orientis rituals.

The origin and meaning of this word are not completely known. Different groups think the word means different things. Even Masonic researchers do not all agree to what the word means or where it came from. One Masonic scholar says that the word was first used in an early 18th century Royal Arch ritual. He said it was the name of an explorer looking for King Solomon's Temple. Another Masonic scholar thinks it is a name for God in Hebrew. The most used Masonic explanation is that it is a word that comes from putting together parts of the name of God in different historic languages.[source?]

Writers who are not Masons, especially those against Masonry, have said that it is a Masonic name for God. Some say it is the name of a unique "Masonic God". Freemasonry's officials have said many times that "There is no separate Masonic God". They have also said that there is no separate proper name for a deity in any branch of Freemasonry.[1][2] This meaning of the word has caused many religious groups to argue about and condemn Freemasonry. In England, no ritual with the name has been in official Masonic use since February 1989.[3] Stephen Knights, author of The Brotherhood:The Secret World of the Freemasons, says it is a trinity composed of three ancient Middle Eastern Gods, Jah, God of the Jews, Baal, God of the Phoenicians, and On, an Egyptian God.

After persistent strong criticism in the popular press, the Supreme Grand Chapter of England excised the word from its Royal Arch ritual in 1989, and replaced it with a choice between two forms of the tetragrammaton.


  1. "Is Freemasonry a religion?". United Grand Lodge of England. 2002. Retrieved 2007-05-08.
  2. Smart, Earnest (April 2005). "Faith and Freemasonry". Masonic Quarterly Magazine (13). Archived from the original on 2017-11-08. Retrieved 2007-05-07.
  3. Medway, Gareth J. Lure of the Sinister: The Unnatural History of Satanism, New York University Press, 2001. p. 259. ISBN 0-8147-5645-X