Joss stick

Joss sticks in a Japanese market.

Joss sticks are a type of incense. They are traditionally burned before an Asian religious image, idol, buddha statue, or shrine. But some joss stick burning rituals (and the prayers that come with it) do not need to be done in front of religious images. They can be burned before anything without limits; like in front of a door, or open window as an offering. In modern days, the burning of joss sticks can be used for any reason, like making the smell of a room better or lighting fireworks up.

It is believed in Asian traditions that when we offer perfumed joss sticks to God, then He is pleased and gives us His blessings. The best time to make the offering is early morning before sunrise and in the evening at sunset. Thus, we receive blessings to start our day and to protect ourselves during the night. Other auspicious times to offer the joss stick is on full moon days. It is believed that the energy on a full day is great to connect with. The moon is the light form of water and creates the ocean tides. Human beings are made of 70% water; therefore , the moon's energy can be beneficial to us. The number of josd sticks to be offered is also very important and we usually offer odd number quantities like 3, 5, 9. Nine is considered most auspicious but most of the time 3 joss sticks are offered.