Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu is an American animated television series that focuses on the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Zane, Jay, Lloyd (as of season 2), Cole, & Nya (as of season 5). It is a spin-off based on the popular brick building toy, Lego

The setting of the series is in the land of Ninjago.


Season 1 focuses on the Ninja (Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane) fighting to determine whose the green Ninja (a ninja who is destined to fight the evil Lord Garmadon). Sensei Wu is struggling to maintain and teach his Ninja students. Pythor is the main villain of season 1 & his main goal is to get all the fangblades to free his master and mistress 'The Great Devourer', so he can get destroy Ninjago city. Pythor is consumed by the Devourer, and the Devourer is destroyed by evil Garmadon (who uses the golden weapons), & later on steals the Golden Weapons. Also it was revealed that Lloyd is the green ninja. And everything goes out of hand when a son has to fight his father.

Season 2 focuses on the Ninja trying to train Lloyd for the ultimate battle. The Ninja are turned into children but are turned back to normal at the price of Lloyd losing his youth and becomes older. Lord Garmadon releases the Stone Army, due to the command of the OverLord. The ultimate battle begins, but Lloyd loses. On the second round the OverLord possesses Garmadon, claiming that Ninjago was never Garmadon's but he's. Lloyd becomes the Ultimate Spinjitzu master and defeats the OverLord, restoring Ninjago back to its good, original form, and destroying all Garmadon's evil, : turning him back to normal.

Season 3 focuses on the Ninja leaving in "New Ninjago City" and striving for action. At the time the Ninja find out that the Overlord is alive, & rebuilt himself into the Digiverse. The Ninja are given the Technoblades by 'Borg' which is the weakness for the Overlord. The Overlord infects every Android machine and robot with evil, including his Nindroid army. Jay is angry and jealous when it is revealed that Cole is Nya's love match, & for the entire season Jay and Cole fight. When Lloyd is free he only has 10% of his golden power, which is divided to give the Ninja their elemental powers. The OverLord with his helper Pythor and launch Codename: Arcturus. The Nindroids go to space to get the Golden Weapons, but are privately followed by the Ninja. When they land on the asteroid, the nindroids get the Golden Weapons and fly back to Earth leaving the Ninja with a destroyed rocket ship. The Ninja use their powers to rebuild the rocket and fly back to Earth. The OverLord becomes the Golden Master, but is finally destroyed by Zane (who risks his life).

On season 4 the Ninja are split due to Zane's sacrifice, But are reunited by Lloyd. The ninja participate in "The Tournament of Elements" hosted by Master Chen when they get the news that Zane is alive. They participate in the tournament with 12 other masters Skylor Chen, Griffin Turner , Paleman also known as Mr. Pale, Chamille, Ash, Bolobo, Gravis, Neuro, Tox, Shade also known as Shadow, Karlof & Jacob Pevsner. In the Tournament Kai falls in love with Skylor Chen, & becomes Karlof's enemy. After many battles all the masters start to realize that when someone loses Chen uses his staff of elements to suck their powers for a transformation spell, which is performed by Clouse. The spell makes everybody with the Andacondrai mark become Fake Andacondrai. The Andacondrai mark spot people include Chen himself, Clouse, Garmadon, Skylor Chen, & every other Andacondrai wannabe. The transformation was not complete, and to complete it they'll need the saliva of a true Andacondrai. When they took Pythor and complete the transformation, on the other hand, every elemental master has discovered all their elemental dragons. They fight all the Andacondrai wannabes. And the Andacondrai wannabes are sucked into the cursed realm, which leads to Garmadon sacrificing himself to be sucked into the cursed realm so he can unleash the Andacondrai spirits to curse Chen's army. At the end of season 4 Morro is accidentally freed from the Cursed Realm.

Season 5 focuses on the Ninja fighting the ghost Morro. Morro possesses Lloyd for most of the season. When Morro possesses Lloyd, the ninja lose their powers and use Aeroblades for most of the season. Morro unleashes a variety of ghost warriors & his mission is to find the realm crystal, & free his mistress, "The Preeminent" so she can curse all 16 realms exept Djinjago. On the other hand, Nya is revealed to be the Water Waves Ocean Tides Fluids Ninja, as she is being trained by Sensei Wu. The Ninja and Morro struggle as they go through journeys to master Airjitzu to get the Sword of Sanctuary, and find the Realm Crystal. At the end of Season 5, Lloyd is free and fights with Morro. At the end Nya unlocks her true potential and destroys the Preeminent, with the cost of Morro dying.

Season 6 focuses on the Ninja being famous, but is disrupted when Clouse frees Nadakhan the Djinn. The whole season focuses on the ninja fighting Nadakhan's Sky Pirates Crew. Nadakhan's mission is to be married to Nya so he can get infinite wishes. All the Ninja are captured but except for Jay/Nya. Nadakhan gets Infinite wishes but is stopped when Jay wishes that "nobody ever found the teapot and that Nya took his hand". This destroys the timeline of Nadakhan being free & reunites Jay and Nya's relationship.

Season 7 focuses on The Ninja against The Time Twins. The Time Twins are the Elemental Wizards Sorcerers Mages Magicians and Masters of Time from long time ago, during the Anacondrai wars. Long time ago Wu and Garmadon fought with the Time Twins and banished them using the Time Blade. The Time Blade is the main weapon that the twins control. The Time Twins than return to the present to get revenge. Acronix and Acrux then team up and create the Vermilion Army. The Ninja have a tough time against the Vermilion Army. It is than revealed that Kai and Nya's parents were traitors and worked for the Time Twins. One evidence is revealed later on that Ray and Maya are the ones who created The Time Blades and revealed to be their captivities.

Season 8 focuses on Lloyd



Character Element First Appearance
Kai Fire Way of the Ninja
Jay Lightning Way of the Ninja
Zane Ice Way of the Ninja
Cole Earth Way of the Ninja
Wu Creation Way of the Ninja
Nya Water Way of the Ninja
Lloyd Energy Rise of the Snakes


Character Age First Appearance
Chopov Undead Way of the Ninja
Bonezai Undead Way of the Ninja


Note: There are 128 episodes in total. 115 have aired but 15 are unreleased.

Series overview

Season Episodes Season premeire Season finale Codes
0 4 January 14, 2011 January 14, 2011 -000
1 13 December 2, 2011 April 11, 2012 000
2 13 July 18, 2012 November 21, 2012 100
3 8 January 29, 2014 November 26, 2014 200
4 10 February 23, 2015 April 4, 2015 300
5 10 June 30, 2015 July 2015 400
6 12 June 9, 2016 October 29, 2016 500
7 10 May 15, 2017 May 26, 2017 600
8 10 April 16, 2018 May 24, 2018 700
9 10 June 2018 August 25, 2018 800
10 4 April 19, 2019 900
11 30 June 22, 2019 February 1, 2020 1000
12 16 March 21, 2020 April 26, 2020 1100
13 TBA 2020 2020 1200

Season 0 (2011)

-000 production codes Focus Ninja: Kai

No. overall No. in season Title Code Date Summary
1 1 Way of the Ninja 101a January 14, 2011 (2011-01-14) Wu finds Kai in Ignicia. He joins the ninja team after his sister, Nya is captured by the Skulkin.
2 2 The Golden Weapon 101b After meeting 3 other ninja named Cole, Jay, and Zane, Kai and the other ninja must work together to find the Scythe of Quakes.
3 3 King of Shadows 102a The ninja find the 3 other weapons and one of them finds one of the weapons by saving a girl.
4 4 Weapons of Destiny 102b Wu enters the Underworld to find Lord Garmadon.

Season 1 (2011-12)

000 production codes. Focus Ninja: None

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code Summary
5 1 Rise of the Snakes December 2, 2011 (2011-12-02) 103 Lloyd unleashes the Hypnobrai to destroy the ninja.
6 2 Home 104 Zane tries to find a way to fit in.
7 3 Snakebit January 25, 2012 (2012-01-25) 105 Lloyd unleashes the Fangpyre to bite Jays parents for an army.
8 4 Never Trust a Snake February 1, 2012 (2012-02-01) 106 Lloyd unleashes Pythor and cause multiple chaos.
9 5 Can of Worms February 8, 2012 (2012-02-08) 108 The ninja try to stop Pythor from uniting the tribes.
10 6 The Snake King February 15, 2012 (2012-02-15) 108 The ninja get very upset about this "samauri" thing.
11 7 Tick Tock February 22, 2012 (2012-02-22) 109 The ninja find a falcon.
12 8 Once Bitten, Twice Shy March 7, 2012 (2012-03-07) 110 Jay is turning into a snake.
13 9 The Royal Blacksmiths March 14, 2012 (2012-03-14) 111 The ninja need the 2nd fangblade.
14 10 The Green Ninja March 21, 2012 (2012-03-21) 112 Lord Garmadon moves in with the ninja.
15 11 All of Nothing March 28, 2012 (2012-03-28) 113 The ninja need to take the 3 other fangblades back.
16 12 Rise of the Great Devourer April 4, 2012 (2012-04-04) 114 Tye ninja try to stop Pythor from awakening the Great Devourer
17 13 Day of the Great Devourer April 11, 2012 (2012-04-11) 115 The Great Devourer is released.

Season 2 (2012)

100 production codes Focus Ninja: Lloyd

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
18 1 Darkness Shall Rise July 18, 2012 (2012-07-18) 201
19 2 Pirates vs Ninja July 25, 2012 (2012-07-25) 202
20 3 Double Trouble August 1, 2012 (2012-08-01) 203
21 4 Ninjaball Run August 8, 2012 (2012-08-08) 204
22 5 Childs Play August 15, 2012 (2012-08-15) 205
23 6 Wrong Place, Wrong Time August 22, 2012 (2012-08-22) 206
24 7 The Stone Army August 29, 2012 (2012-08-29) 207
25 8 The Day Ninjago Stood Still September 5, 2012 (2012-09-05) 208
26 9 The Last Voyage September 12, 2012 (2012-09-12) 209
27 10 The Island of Darkness September 19, 2012 (2012-09-19) 210
28 11 The Last Hope November 7, 2012 (2012-11-07) 211
29 12 Return of the Overlord November 14, 2012 (2012-11-14) 212
30 13 Rise of the Splinjitzu Master November 21, 2012 (2012-11-21) 213

Season 3: Rebooted (2014)

Over a year after The Overlord was destroyed, new villains have come to conquer Ninjago again, returning The Overlord back to life digitally. Focus Ninja: Zane

200 production codes

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
31 1 The Surge January 29, 2014 (2014-01-29) 301
32 2 The Art of the Silent Fist January 29, 2014 (2014-01-29) 302
33 3 Blackout April 16, 2014 (2014-04-16) 303
34 4 Curse of the Golden Master April 16, 2014 (2014-04-16) 304
35 5 Digiverse July 16, 2014 (2014-07-16) 305
36 6 Codename: Arcturus July 16, 2014 (2014-07-16) 306
37 7 The Void November 26, 2014 (2014-11-26) 307
38 8 The Titanium Ninja November 26, 2014 (2014-11-26) 308

Season 4: Tournament of Elements (2015)

300 production codes Focus Ninja: Kai

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
39 1 The Invatation February 23, 2015 (2015-02-23) 401
40 2 Only One Can Remain February 23, 2015 (2015-02-23) 402
41 3 Versus March 9, 2015 (2015-03-09) 403
42 4 Ninja Roll March 16, 2015 (2015-03-16) 404
43 5 Spy for a Spy March 23, 2015 (2015-03-23) 405
44 6 Spellbound March 30, 2015 (2015-03-30) 406
45 7 The Forgotten Element March 31, 2015 (2015-03-31) 407
46 8 The Day of the Dragon April 1, 2015 (2015-04-01) 408
47 9 The Greatest Fear of All April 2, 2015 (2015-04-02) 409
48 10 The Corridor of Elders April 3, 2015 (2015-04-03) 410

Season 5: Possession (2015)

400 production codes Focus Ninja: None

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
49 1 Winds of Change June 29, 2015 (2015-06-29) 501
50 2 Ghost Stories June 30, 2015 (2015-06-30) 502
51 3 Stiix and Stones July 1, 2015 (2015-07-01) 503
52 4 The Temple on the Haunted Hill July 2, 2015 (2015-07-02) 504
53 5 Peek-a-Boo July 3, 2015 (2015-07-03) 505
54 6 Kingdom Come July 4, 2015 (2015-07-04) 506
55 7 The Crooked Path July 7, 2015 (2015-07-07) 507
56 8 Grave Danger July 8, 2015 (2015-07-08) 508
57 9 Curseworld July 9, 2015 (2015-07-09) 509
58 10 July 10, 2015 (2015-07-10) 510

Wu's Teas

On July 13, 2017, Ninjago had a special called Wu's Teas with 20 shorts

Season 6: Skybound (2016)

500 production codes Focus Ninja: Jay

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
59 1 Infamous June 9, 2016 (2016-06-09) 601
60 2 Public Enemy Number 1 June 16, 2016 (2016-06-16) 602
61 3 Enkrypted June 23, 2016 603
62 4 Misfortune Rising June 30, 2016 (2016-06-30) 604
63 5 On a Wish and a Prayer July 11, 2016 (2016-07-11) 605
64 6 My Dinner with Nadakhan July 12, 2016 (2016-07-12) 606
65 7 Wishmasters July 13, 2016 (2016-07-13) 607
66 8 The Last Resort July 14, 2016 (2016-07-14) 608
67 9 Operation Land Ho! July 15, 2016 (2016-07-15) 609
68 10 The Way Back 610
69 11 Day of the Departed October 29, 2016 (2016-10-29) N/A

Ninjago: The Realm of Shadows


Clouse somehow escaped the cursed realm.

Season 7: The Hands of Time (2017)

600 production codes Focus Ninja: Kai and Nya

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
71 1 The Hands of Time May 15, 2017 (2017-05-15) 701
72 2 The Hatching May 16, 2017 (2017-05-16) 702
73 3 A Time of Tratiors May 17, 2017 (2017-05-17) 703
74 4 Scavengers May 18, 2017 (2017-05-18) 704
75 5 A Line in the Sand May 19, 2017 (2017-05-19) 705
76 6 The Attack May 22, 2017 (2017-05-22) 706
77 7 Secrets Discovered May 23, 2017 (2017-05-23) 707
78 8 Pause and Effect May 24, 2017 (2017-05-24) 708
79 9 Out into the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea May 25, 2017 (2017-05-25) 709
80 10 Lost in Time May 26, 2017 (2017-05-26) 710

Ninjago: Decoded

No. Title Date
1 Legacy November 27, 2017 (2017-11-27)
2 Vehicles and Mechs December 4, 2017 (2017-12-04)
3 Legendary Places December 11, 2017 (2017-12-11)
4 Ninjago's Most Wanted December 18, 2017 (2017-12-18)
5 The Digiverse and Beyond December 25, 2017 (2017-12-25)
6 The Elemental Masters January 1, 2018 (2018-01-01)
7 Beasts and Dragons January 8, 2018 (2018-01-08)
8 Rise of Garmadon January 15, 2018 (2018-01-15)
9 Prophecy of the Green Ninja January 22, 2018 (2018-01-22)
10 Greatest Battles January 29, 2018 (2018-01-29)

Season 8: Sons of Garmadon (2018)

700 production codes Focus Ninja: Lloyd

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
81 1 The Mask of Deception April 16, 2018 801
82 2 The Jade Princess April 23, 2018 802
83 3 The Oni and the Dragon April 30, 2018 803
84 4 Snake Jaguar May 6, 2018 804
85 5 Dead Mans Squall May 13, 2018 805
86 6 The Quiet One May 20, 2018 806
87 7 Game of Masks May 21, 2018 807
88 8 Dread on Arrival May 22, 2018 808
89 9 True Potential May 23, 2018 809
90 10 Big Trouble, Little Ninjago May 24, 2018 810

Season 9 (2018)

Focus Ninja: None

No. overall No. in season Title Date Code
85 1 Firstbourne August 11, 2018 911
86 2 Iron & Stone August 11, 2018 912
87 3 Radio Free Ninjago August 11, 2018 913
88 4 How to Build a Dragon August 11, 2018 914
89 5 The Gilded Path August 18, 2018 921
90 6 Two Lies, One Truth August 18, 2018 922
91 7 The Weakest Link August 18, 2018 923
92 8 Saving Faith August 25, 2018 924
93 9 Lessons for a Master August 25, 2018 931
94 10 Green Destiny August 25, 2018 932

Season 10 (2019)

On March 16, 2018, the series has been renewed to a 10th season with 4 episodes. This is the last season with 22 minute episodes. Focus Ninja: Lloyd

No. Overall No. season Title Date Code
95 1 The Darkness comes April 19, 2019 1001
96 2 Into the Breach April 19, 2019 1002
97 3 The Fall April 19, 2019 1003
98 4 Endings April 19, 2019 1004

Season 11 (2019-2020)

No. Overall no. Season Title Date Code
Fire Chapter
99 1 Wasted True Potential June 22, 2019 A01
100 2 Questing for Quests June 22, 2019 A02
101 3 A Rocky Start June 29, 2019 A03
102 4 The Belly of the Beast June 29, 2019 A04
103 5 Booby Traps and how to survive them July 6, 2019 A05
104 6 The News Never Sleeps July 6, 2019 A06
105 7 Ninja vs. Lava July 13, 2019 A07
106 8 Snaketastropthy July 13, 2019 A08
107 9 Powerless July 20, 2019 A09
108 10 Ancient History July 20, 2019 A10
109 11 Never Trust A Human July 27, 2019 A11

Mini Movies

Season 1 Mini Movies (2011)

No. Title Date Code
1 Secrets of the Blacksmith October 3, 2011 SH1
2 Flight of the Dragon Ninja October 4, 2011 SH2
3 The New Masters of Spinjitzu October 5, 2011 SH3
4 An Underworldy Takeover October 6, 2011 SH4
5 Return to the Fire Temple October 7, 2011 SH5
6 Battle Between Brothers October 10, 2011 SH6

Season 4 Mini Movies (2015)

No. Title Date
1 Chen's New Chair July 14, 2015
2 Chair Play Chen July 25, 2015
3 Chair Up Chen July 25, 2015
4 Chairful What You Wish For August 1, 2015
5 Bad Chair Day August 1, 2015

Season 6 Mini-Movies (2016)

No. Title Date
1 The Tall Tale of Flintlocke Februar 17, 2016
2 The Tall Tale of Clancee February 28, 2016
3 The Tall Tale of Doubloon March 14, 2016
4 The Tall Tale of Dogshank April 2, 2016
5 The Tall Tale of Monkey Wretch April 20, 2016
6 The Tall Tale of Squiffy and Bucko April 25, 2016

Video games

Title Date
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin March 27, 2015
Lego Ninjago Movie Video game September 2017


Title Date
The Lego Ninjago Movie September 22, 2017



Set no. Set title Release Date
2111 Kai January 1, 2011
2112 Cole
2113 Zane
2114 Chopov
2115 Bonezai
2116 Krazi
2170 Cole DX April 1, 2011
2171 Zane DX
2172 Nya
2173 Nuckal
2174 Kruncha
2175 Wyplash


Set no. Set title Date
2254 Mountain Shrine August 1, 2011
2255 Sensei Wu
2256 Lord Garmadon
2257 Spinjitzu Starter Set


The series had a huge success and has the rating of 4.6 out of 5 and 92% out of 100%. The series plays in Cartoon Network. The series is watched by 4.7 million per day. The series is naturally named 'Lego Ninjago:Masters of Spinjitzu' but is called 'Ninjago' by fans or viewers. Ninjago:Masters of Spinjitzu is distributed by Lego and is produced by WiFilm.

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