Letterlike Symbols

Letterlike Symbols is a Unicode block (a group of symbols in Unicode). It has 80 symbols. Many of these symbols are used in mathematics and look like letters.


Unicode Letterlike Symbols[1]
Character Image Meaning Code
ª⁄c An abbreviation for account. This is used in banks. U+2100
ª⁄ₛ This is short for "adressed to the subject". U+2101
Blackboard bold capital C. This symbol is used for complex numbers.[2] U+2102
°C Symbol for Celsius. U+2103
Symbol for centerline (a line in the center of a shape that divides the shape into two equal parts). U+2104
ᶜ⁄ₒ This is short for "care of". It is similar to the symbol ℁ (U+2101). U+2105
ᶜ⁄ᵤ This is short for "cada una", which means "each one" in Spanish.[2] U+2106
Ɛ Symbol for Euler's constant. U+2107
Э Symbol for the scruple. U+2108
°F Symbol for Fahrenheit. U+2109
Script lowercase G. U+210A
Script capital H. It is used in Hamiltonian mechanics.[2] U+210B
Blackletter capital H. U+210C
Blackboard bold capital H. This is used as a symbol for quaternions. U+210D
h Symbol for the Planck constant. U+210E
ħ Symbol for the Planck constant when it is divided by two pi. U+210F
Script capital I. U+2110
Blackletter capital I. U+2111
Script capital L. This is used for the laplace transform. U+2112
𝓁 Script small L. It is used as a symbol for liter.[2] U+2113
ƚƀ Symbol for pounds.[2] U+2114
Blackboard bold capital N. This is used as a symbol for natural numbers.[2] U+2115
No̲ An abbreviation for "number". This is called the numero sign. It is similar to the number sign. U+2116
Symbol for the copyright of a sound recording. U+2117
𝓅 Script capital P. This is a symbol for Weierstrass's elliptic functions. U+2118
Blackboard bold capital P. This is used as a symbol for prime numbers. U+2119
Blackboard bold capital Q. This is used as a symbol for rational numbers.[2] U+211A
Script capital R. U+211B
Blackletter capital R. U+211C
Blackboard bold capital R. This is used as a symbol for real numbers.[2] U+211D
Rₓ An abbreviation for prescription. U+211E
Symbol for the response in a preces. U+211F
S Symbol for service marks. U+2120
Tᴇʟ Symbol for telephones. U+2121
ᵀᴹ Symbol for unregistered trademarks. U+2122
Symbol for the versicle in a preces. U+2123
Blackboard bold capital Z. This is used as a symbol for integers.[2] U+2124
Symbol for the ounce. U+2125
Ω Ω Symbol for the ohm. U+2126
Ʊ Symbol for the mho (another name for the siemens).[2] U+2127
Blackletter capital Z. U+2128
ɿ Upside down lowercase Iota. This is used as a symbol for the definite descriptor.[2] U+2129
K K Symbol for the kelvin. U+212A
Å Å Symbol for the ångström. U+212B
Script capital B. This is used for the Bloch space. U+212C
Blackletter capital C. U+212D
Symbol used in European packaging for an estimate. U+212E
A mathematical constant. U+212F
Script capital E. This is used for electromotive force.[2] U+2130
Script capital F. This is used for the Fourier transform.[2] U+2131
One of the three Claudian letters.[2] U+2132
Script capital M. This is used as the German gold mark symbol.[2] U+2133
Script small O. U+2134
א The Hebrew leter Aleph. This is used as a symbol for the aleph numbers. U+2135
ב The Hebrew letter Bet. This is used as a symbol for the beth numbers. U+2136
ג The Hebrew letter Gimel. This is used as a symbol for the gimel function. U+2137
ד The Hebrew letter Dalet. U+2138
Symbol for information sources. U+2139
Rotated capital Q. This is used as a symbol for signature marks.[2] U+213A
Symbol for fax. U+213B
Blackboard bold lowercase pi. U+213C
Blackboard bold lowercase gamma. U+213D
Blackboard bold capital gamma. U+213E
Blackboard bold capital pi. U+213F
Blackboard bold n–ary (of n entities) summation. U+2140
Upside down G. U+2141
Upside down L. U+2142
Horizontally flipped L. U+2143
Upside down R. U+2144
𝔻 Blackboard bold and italic capital D. It can be used as a symbol for differentials.[2] U+2145
𝕕 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase D. It can be used as a symbol for differentials.[2] U+2146
𝕖 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase E. It can be used as a symbol for natural exponents.[2] U+2147
𝕚 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase I. It can be used as a symbol for imaginary units.[2] U+2148
𝕛 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase J. It can be used as a symbol for imaginary units.[2] U+2149
Symbol used for property lines. U+214A
Upside down ampersand. This is used in linear logic.[2] U+214B
An abbreviation for the word "per". U+214C
ᴬ⁄S An abbreviation for the word "aktieselskab" (the Danish word for a corporation for stocks). U+214D
Lowercase version of Ⅎ (U+2132). U+214E
Symbol for a reference written in the Samaritan script. U+214F
