List of political parties in Italy

In Italy, there is a multi-party system. This means that it is unlikely for any one party to gain a majority in the Italian parliament and so coalitions between several parties must be formed.

Major parties

Major parties are parties with representation in the Italian parliament.

Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia) - A right-wing to far-right party that promotes national conservatism and right-wing populism. It's leader is Giorgia Meloni, who has been Prime Minister of Italy since 22 October 2022.

Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle) - A party that promotes populism, environmentalism and direct democracy. It's leader, Giuseppe Conte, was a former Italian Prime Minister.

Democratic Party (Partito Democratico) - A centre-left party that promotes social democracy.

Northern League (Lega Nord) - A right-wing federalist party which wants to make the region of Italy called Padania an independent country.

Forza Italia - A centre-right conservative party.

Action (Azione) - A centrist and liberal party.

Italy Alive (Italia Viva) - A centrist and liberal party.

Green Europe (Europa Verde) - A left-wing green party.

Italian Left (Sinistra Italiana) - A left-wing democratic socialist and eco-socialist party.

South Tyrolean People's Party (Südtiroler Volkspartei (German language)) - A regionalist political party in South Tyrol, an autonomous province with a German-speaking majority in northern Italy.

Minor parties

Having a minor representation in elective bodies with less than 4% of the vote in the 2008 general election:

  • The People of Freedom (Il Popolo della Libertà) - A centre-right party that promotes liberal conservatism, Christian democracy and liberalism
  • Italian Radicals (Radicali Italiani) - Liberal
  • Alliance for Italy (Alleanza per l'Italia) - Centrist, Christian Democracy
  • We the South (Noi Sud) - Centrist, Wants the South of Italy to become independent
  • Movement for Autonomies (Movimento per le Autonomie) - Centrist, Christian democracy, More independence for Sicily
  • The Populars of Italy Tomorrow (I Popolari di Italia Domani) - Christian democratic, Based in Sicily
  • Left Ecology Freedom (Sinistra Ecologia Libertà) - Democratic socialism, eco-socialism
  • Communist Refoundation Party (Partito della Rifondazione Comunista) - Communist
  • Party of Italian Communists (Partito dei Comunisti Italiani) - Communist
  • Populars for Italy (Popolari per l'Italia) - Christian democratic, Based in Sicily
  • The Right (La Destra) - National conservatism, social conservatism, libertarianism
  • Populars for the South (Popolari per il Sud) - Centrist
  • Italian Socialist Party (Partito Socialista Italiano) - Centre-left, social democracy
  • Federation of the Greens (Federazione dei Verdi) - Eco-socialism, Anti-globalisation, Pacificm
  • Tricolour Flame (Fiamma Tricolore) - Fascism, nationalism
  • Italian Republican Party (Partito Repubblicano Italiano) - Liberal
  • European Republicans Movement (Movimento Repubblicani Europei) - Centre-left, social liberalism
  • Italian Liberal Party (Partito Liberale Italiano) - Liberal
  • Liberal Democrats (Liberal Democratici) - Centrism, Social liberalism
  • White Rose (Rosa Bianca) - Centrism, Christian democracy
  • Alliance of the Centre (Alleanza di Centro) - Christian democratic
  • Workers' Communist Party (Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori) - Communism, Trotskyism
  • New Force (Forza Nuova) - Fascism, nationalism, Third position economics
  • Critical Left (Sinistra Critica) - Communism, Trotskyism
  • Citizens' Political Movement (Movimento Politico dei Cittadini) - Left-wing, populist
  • Italian Democratic Socialist Party (Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano) - Social democracy
  • Libertarian Movement (Movimento Libertario) - Libertarianism
  • Italian Union Movement (Movimento Unione Italiano) - Social liberalism
  • Future and Freedom (Futuro e Libertà) - A centre-right party which promotes liberal conservatism and national conservatism.
  • Union of Christian and Centre Democrats - A centrist party which promotes Christian democracy and social conservatism.
  • Italy of Values (Italia dei Valori) - A centrist party which promotes populism and anti-corruption.