Live USB system creator

Live USB system creator
Original author(s)Simon Peter
Preview release
Operating systemUbuntu
Licenseopen source

The Live USB system creator is to tool designed to create Live USBs of Ubuntu from a running Ubuntu Live CD


  • Detects available USB flash drives (using HAL)
  • Partitions USB flash drive with 1 partition
  • Sets partition bootable
  • Writes MBR to USB flash drive
  • Formats partition FAT32
  • Installs bootloader (syslinux) to partition
  • Writes bootloader configuration file
  • Copies necessary files from running Live CD to USB flash drive
  • Sets language and keyboard of USB Live system to match running Live CD
  • Optionally: Downloads and integrates Adobe Flash Player
  • Optionally: Enables persistent /home (Ubuntu 8.10 and later only)

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