McMahon Line

The McMahon Line marks boundary between Chinese-held and Indian-held territory in the eastern Himalayan region. The line was the focus of a brief war in 1962, when Indian and Chinese forces struggled to control a disputed area (shown in red), much of which is a high altitude wasteland.

The McMahon Line is a demarcation line drawn on map referred to in the Simla Convention, a treaty between Britain and Tibet signed in 1914.[1]

Although its legal status is disputed, it is currently the effective boundary between China and India.[2]

This dispute was used a pretext in a war between China and India in 1962.[3]


  1. Chellaney, Brahma. "India-China: Let facts speak for themselves," The Economic Times (Mumbai). 17 September 2010; retrieved 2012-5-12.
  2. "China rejects report on border talks with India," Xinhua News Agency, August 7, 2009; Guruswamy, Mohan. "The Battle for the Border," (India). 23 June 2003; retrieved 2012-5-12.
  3. "A Himalayan rivalry," The Economist (UK). 19 August 2010; retrieved 2012-5-12.

Further reading