The Blue Umbrella (2013 movie)

The Blue Umbrella is a 2013 computer-animated short movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios that was released alongside Monsters University.[1] The short is directed by Saschka Unseld of Pixar's technical department. The short uses photorealistic lighting, shading, and compositing.[2]

The movie was about a blue umbrella that falls in love with a red umbrella in the middle of a storm in a busy city. However, because of the story, it makes it hard for the blue umbrella to follow and find the red umbrella. Eventually, the owners of the umbrella find each other and therefore the two umbrellas fall in love.


  1. Goldberg, Matt. "Brief Clip from Pixar's Upcoming Photorealistic Short THE BLUE UMBRELLA". Archived from the original on 8 January 2013. Retrieved 7 January 2013.
  2. Chai, Barbera (7 January 2013). "Watch an Exclusive Clip of Pixar's New Short, 'The Blue Umbrella'". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 7 January 2013.