UTC+11:30 is the timezone in places below. The time is 11.5 hours later than Greenwich Mean Time. This time zone was used in Norfolk Island until October 4, 2015.
As standard time (all year round)
UTC offset for standard time and Daylight saving time (DST) Italics: historical or unofficial | 180° to < 90°W |
- −12:00
- −11:00
- −10:30
- −10:00
- −09:30
- −09:00
- −08:30
- −08:00
- −07:00
90°W to < 0° | |
0° to < 90°E | |
90°E to < 180° | |
(180° to < 90°W) |
- +12:00
- +12:45
- +13:00
- +13:45
- +14:00
Time zone data sources | tz database |
Lists of time zones |
- Time zones by country
- Time zones by UTC offset
- tz database time zones
- Military time zones
- Time zone abbreviations
- Daylight saving time by country