United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

The United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is a standing committee of the United States Senate. It is in charge with leading foreign-policy legislation and debate in the Senate. The Foreign Relations Committee is in charge for overseeing (but not administering) and giving money to foreign aid programs as well as buying weapons and training for national allies. The committee is also in charge of questioning people chosen for important jobs in the Department of State. The committee looks at important treaties and legislation, ranging from the Alaska purchase in 1867 to the creation of the United Nations in 1945. It also in charge of people chosen for diplomatic jobs.[1] They deal with U.S. interests with foreign countries.

Members, 116th Congress

Majority Minority


Subcommittees Chair Ranking Member
Africa and Global Health Policy Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Tim Kaine (D-VA)
East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy Cory Gardner (R-CO) Ed Markey (D-MA)
Europe and Regional Security Cooperation Ron Johnson (R-WI) Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism Mitt Romney (R-UT) Chris Murphy (D-CT)
Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions, and International Economic, Energy and Environmental Policy Todd Young (R-IN) Jeff Merkley (D-OR)
State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development Vacant Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights and Global Women's Issues Marco Rubio (R-FL) Ben Cardin (D-MD)

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