Too Drunk to Fuck
„Too Drunk to Fuck " bol štvrtý singel Dead Kennedys . Nahrávka bola vydaná v máji 1981 u Cherry Red Records so skladbou „The Prey“ na B-strane. Obe skladby z tohto singlu sa nachádzajú na kompilačnom albume Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death (1987).
Jello Biafra
East Bay Ray
Klaus Flouride
D.H. Peligro
Štúdiové albumy Živé albumy EP Kompilácie Videá Skladby
"California Über Alles "
"Kill the Poor "
"I Kill Children"
"Holiday in Cambodia "
"Police Truck"
"Viva Las Vegas"
"Too Drunk to Fuck "
"Nazi Punks Fuck Off"
"Bleed for Me"
"Moon Over Marin"
"A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch"
"MTV - Get Off the Air"
"Take This Job and Shove It"
"Chickenshit Conformist"
"I Fought the Law"
"Night of the Living Rednecks"
"Pull My Strings"
Súvisiace články
Hardcore punk
Manifesto Records
Alternative Tentacles
Penis Landscape
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