We Wish You a Merry Christmas
„We Wish You a Merry Christmas“, je koleda, ktorá vznikla v 16. storočí niekde na dnešnom juhozápade Anglicka. Táto koleda je jednou z tých tradičných kolied, ktoré v celom kresťanskom svete pripomínajú oslavy Vianoc a Nového roka.
Slová piesne
- We wish you a merry Christmas; We wish you a merry Christmas;
- We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
- Refrén:
- Good tidings we bring to you and your kin.
- We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
- (alebo: "Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year!")
- Now, bring us some figgy pudding; now, bring us some figgy pudding;
- Now, bring us some figgy pudding and bring some out here!
- Refrén
- For we all like figgy pudding; for we all like figgy pudding;
- For we all like figgy pudding: so bring some out here!
- Refrén
- And we won't go until we've got some; We won't go until we've got some;
- And we won't go until we've got some; so bring some out here!
- Refrén