WrestleMania 29

MetLife Stadium, dejisko WrestleManie 29.

WrestleMania 29 bol 29. ročník wrestlingovej šou WrestleMania, ktorá je produkovaná spoločnosťou WWE. Uskutočnila sa 7. apríla 2013 na MetLife Stadium v meste East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Po piaty raz sa WrestleMania uskutočnila v metropolitnej oblasti New York. V Madison Square Garden sa konali WrestleMania I, X, XX, časť WrestleManie 2 sa odohrávala v Nassau Coliseum.

Zároveň to bola tretia WrestleMania konajúca sa v štáte New Jersey po WrestleManii IV a V, ktoré boli usporiadané v Trump Plaza v meste Atlantic City.


# Zápas Typ zápasu
Pre-Show Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz Singles match o Intercontinental Championship
1 The Rock (c) vs. John Cena Singles match o WWE Championship
2 Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger.... Singles match o World Heavyweight Championship
3 The Undertaker vs. CM Punk /W PaulHeyman Singles match
4 Brock Lesnar /W PaulHeyman vs. Triple H /W HBK No Holds Barred match; Ak Triple H prehrá, musí ukončí kariéru
5 Sheamus, Randy Orton & Big Show vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns) Six-man tag team match
6 Ryback vs. Mark Henry Singles match
7 Team Hell No (Kane a Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler a Big E Langston Singles match
8 Chris Jericho vs. Fandango Singles match
10 Tons of Funk (Brodus Clay a Tensai) a The Funkadactyls (Naomi a Cameron) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Damien Sandow a Cody Rhodes a The Bella Twins (Brie Bella a Nikki Bella) Eight–person mixed tag team match
(c) - obhajca titulu

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