Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman , ameriški ekonomist , * 31. julij 1912 , Brooklyn , New York , ZDA , † 16. november 2006 , San Francisco , Kalifornija , ZDA .
Milton Friedman je bil raziskovalec in zagovornik liberalnega kapitalizma ter čim manjše vloge države v gospodarstvu. Leta 1976 je dobil Nobelovo nagrado za ekonomijo .
Pomembnejša dela
Kapitalizem in svoboda (Capitalism and Freedom ), 1962
Free to Choose: A personal statement (skupaj z Rose Friedman), 1980
Glej tudi
Zunanje povezave
Frisch / Tinbergen (1969)
Samuelson (1970)
Kuznets (1971)
Hicks / Arrow (1972)
Leontief (1973)
Myrdal / Hayek (1974)
Kantorovich / Koopmans (1975)
Friedman (1976)
Ohlin / Meade (1977)
Simon (1978)
Theodore Schultz / Lewis (1979)
Klein (1980)
Tobin (1981)
Stigler (1982)
Debreu (1983)
Stone (1984)
Modigliani (1985)
Buchanan (1986)
Solow (1987)
Allais (1988)
Haavelmo (1989)
Markowitz / Miller / Sharpe (1990)
Coase (1991)
Becker (1992)
Fogel / North (1993)
Harsanyi / Nash / Selten (1994)
Lucas (1995)
Mirrlees / Vickrey (1996)
Merton / Scholes (1997)
Sen (1998)
Mundell (1999)
Heckman / McFadden (2000)
Akerlof / Spence / Stiglitz (2001)
Kahneman / Smith (2002)
Engle / Granger (2003)
Kydland / Prescott (2004)
Aumann / Schelling (2005)
Phelps (2006)
Hurwicz / Maskin / Myerson (2007)
Krugman (2008)
Ostrom / Williamson (2009)
Diamond / Mortensen / Pissarides (2010)
Sims / Sargent (2011)
Roth / Shapley (2012)
Fama / Hansen / Shiller (2013)
Tirole (2014)
Deaton (2015)
Hart / Holmström (2016)
Thaler (2017)
Nordhaus / Romer (2018)
Banerjee / Duflo / Kremer (2019)
Milgrom / Wilson (2020)
Card / Angrist / Imbens (2021)
Bernanke / Diamond / Dybvig (2022)
Goldin (2023)
Acemoglu / Johnson / Robinson (2024)
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