Napier Deltic motor
Napier Deltic je bil brezventilni opozicijski dvotaktni dizelski motor. Uporabljal se je na ladjah in lokomotivah. Razvili so ga pri britanskem podjetju Napier & Son. Valji (cilindri) so bili nameščeni v obliki trikotnika-delte, imel je tri ročične gredi.
Podobni motorji
Glej tudi
- Bryan "Bob" Boyle (2000). The Napier Way. Bookmarque Publishing. ISBN 1-870519-57-4.
- Alan Vessey (compiler) (1997). Napier Powered. Tempus. ISBN 0-7524-0766-X.
- Brian Webb (1982). The Deltic Locomotives of British Rail. David&Charles. ISBN 0-7153-8110-5.
- Chatterton, Ernest Edward (1956). »The Napier Deltic Diesel Engine,«. SAE Technical Paper. SAE International (560038). doi:10.4271/560038.
- DOI: CONF 1963 178 299 02 10.1243.2FPIME CONF 1963 178 299 02
This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes. You can jump the queue or ročna razširitev - »The 2500 b.h.p.- "Deltic" Diesel Engine« (PDF), The Engineer, 195: 596–7, 24. april 1953
Zunanje povezave
- Deltic technical details.
- The Deltic Preservation Society.
- Hunt Class Deltic powered Mine Countermeasure Vessel.
- Deltic Animations 3-D animations of the piston motion in the Deltic engine.