Razgradnja ladij

Razgradnja ladij v Chittagongu, Bangladeš
Chittagong, Bangladeš
Razgradnja Redoutable v Toulonu, 1912

Z razgradnjo ladij se pridobi velike količine jekla in drugih materialov, ki so vgrajeni v odslužene ladje in jih je možno reciklirati. Večina ladij ima življenjsko dobo nekaj desetletij, po tem obodbju po navadi postane vzdrževanje predrago. Kdaj se ponovno uporabi tudi drugo opremo npr. sidra.

V nekaterih primerih se ladje povsem očisti škodljivih materialov in se je jih potem namerno potopi.

V preteklosti so razgrajevali ladje v industrializiranih državah, danes pa se to večinoma dogaja v državah v razvoju npr. Indija, Bangladeš, Pakistan in Kitajska.[1] V teh državah je delovna sila cenejša in tudi ni strogih okoljevarstvenih zahtev. Pri razgradnji ladij se lahko sprosti v okolje veliko nevarnih materialov, kot so azbest in poliklorirani bifenili. V večini primerov uporabljajo delavci acetilenske gorilnike za razrez.[1]

Seznam večjih pristanišč za razgradnjo ladij



  • Čangjan, Jangjin


  • Alang


  • Gadani


  • Aliaga


  • International Shipbreaking Ltd. Brownsville, Teksas

Sklici in refernce


  • Langewiesche, William (2004). The Outlaw Sea: Chaos and Crime on the World's Oceans. London: Granta Books. ISBN 0-86547-581-4. Contains an extensive section on the shipbreaking industry in India and Bangladesh.
  • Buxton, Ian L. (1992). Metal Industries: shipbreaking at Rosyth and Charlestown. World Ship Society. str. 104. OCLC 28508051. Ships scrapped include Mauretania and much of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow. Ships listed with owners and dates sold.
  • Buerk, Roland (2006). Breaking Ships: How supertankers and cargo ships are dismantled on the shores of Bangladesh. Chamberlain brothers. str. 192. ISBN 1-59609-036-7. Breaking Ships follows the demise of the Asian Tiger, a ship destroyed at one of the twenty ship-breaking yards along the beaches of Chittagong. BBC Bangladesh correspondent Roland Buerk takes us through the process-from beaching the vessel to its final dissemination, from wealthy shipyard owners to poverty-stricken ship cutters, and from the economic benefits for Bangladesh to the pollution of its once pristine beaches and shorelines.
  • Bailey, Paul J. (2000). »Is there a decent way to break up ships?«. Sectoral Activities Programme. International Labour Organization. Pridobljeno 29. maja 2007.
  • Rousmaniere, Peter (2007). »Shipbreaking in the Developing World: Problems and Prospects«. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 3. marca 2012. Pridobljeno 13. junija 2014. Analysis of the economics of shipbreaking, the status of worldwide reform efforts, and occupational health and safety of shipbreaking including results of interviewing Alang shipbreakers.
  • Siddiquee, N.A. 2004. Impact of ship breaking on marine fish diversity of the Bay of Bengal.DFID SUFER Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 46 pp.
  • Siddiquee, N. A., Parween, S., and Quddus, M. M. A., Barua, P., 2009 ‘Heavy Metal Pollution in sediments at ship breaking area of Bangladesh ‘Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 6 (3) : 7-12

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