To Beast or Not To Beast

To Beast or Not to Beast je album finske glasbene skupine Lordi. Izšel je leta 2013 pri založbi Sony Music.

Seznam skladb

  1. "We're Not Bad for the Kids (We're Worse)" - 3:23
  2. "I Luv Ugly" - 3:47
  3. "The Riff" - 3:44
  4. "Something Wicked This Way Comes" - 4:57
  5. "I'm the Best" - 3:14
  6. "Horrifiction" - 3:28
  7. "Happy New Fear" - 4:45
  8. "Schizo Doll" - 4:34
  9. "Candy for the Cannibal" - 4:42
  10. "Sincerely with Love" - 3:13
  11. "SCG6: Otus' Butcher Clinic" - 3:23
  12. "Hulking Dynamo" - 3:03