Gasiirada Rhode

State of Rhode Island
Flag of Rhode Island Seal of Rhode Island
Flag Astaan
Naaneys: The Ocean State
Little Rhody[1]
Halkudhig: Hope
Map of the United States with Rhode Island highlighted
Map of the United States with Rhode Island highlighted
Luuqada DowligaDe jure: None
De facto: English
BulshoRhode Islander
(iyo caasimada ugu weyn)
MetropolitanGreater Providence
DeegaankaBaaxada 50th
 • Wadar1,214[2] sq mi
(3,144 km2)
 • Balac37 miles (60 km)
 • Dherer48 miles (77 km)
 • % biyo13.9%
 • Lool41° 09' N to 42° 01' N
 • Dhigo71° 07' W to 71° 53' W
BulshadaHeerka Bulshada 44th
 • Wadar1,059,639 (2017 est.)[3]
 • Cufnaanta1006/sq mi  (388/km2)
Tirada Dadka 2nd
 • Dhaqaalaha$55,701[4] (27th)
 • Barta ugu sareysaJerimoth Hill[5][6]
812 ft (247 m)
 • Dhexdhexaad200 ft  (60 m)
 • Barta ugu hooseysaAtlantic Ocean[5]
sea level
Gobolnimada Ka HorColony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
La Midoobay WadankaMay 29, 1790 (13th)
BadhasaabkaGina Raimondo (D)
Gudoomiyaha GobolkaDaniel McKee (D)
XeerdejintaGeneral Assembly
 • Golaha GuurtidaSenate
 • Aqalka HooseHouse of Representatives
Xubnaha GuurtidaJack Reed (D)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D)
Aqalka Wakiilada1: David Cicilline (D)
2: James Langevin (D) (diiwaan gashan)
Soonka WakhtigaEastern: UTC −5/−4
Loo soo gaabiyaRI, R.I.
Footnotes: * Total area is approximately 776,957 acres (3,144 km2)
Rhode Island state symbols
Flag of Rhode Island
Living insignia
BirdRhode Island Red Chicken
Gallus gallus domesticus
FishStriped bass
Viola sororia
InsectAmerican burying beetle
Nicroforus americanus
MammalMorgan horse
ReptilePainted turtle
TreeRed Maple
Acer rubrum
Inanimate insignia
BeverageCoffee milk
ShipTemplate:Ship, Template:USS
Song"Rhode Island, It's for Me"
TartanRhode Island State Tartan
OtherFruit: Rhode Island Greening
State route marker
State quarter
Released in 2001
Lists of United States state symbols

Rode Island (/ ˌroʊd - / (ku saabsan dhawaaqa dhagaysta)), [7] [8] si rasmi ah u ah Gobolka Rhode Island, [9] waa gobolka gobolka New England ee Maraykanka. Waa meesha ugu yar ee degaanka, tirada ugu yar ee 7aad, iyo kan ugu caansan ee ka mid ah 50 dawladood-laakiin magaciisu waa kan ugu dheer. Rhode Island waxaa xuddun u ah Connecticut dhanka galbeedka, Massachusetts ilaa waqooyiga iyo bari, iyo Badweynta Atlantic ee koonfurta iyadoo la marayo Rhode Island Sound iyo Block Island Sound. Waxa kale oo ay wadaagaan xudduud yar oo xuduud la leh New York. [10] Providence waa caasimadda gobolka iyo inta badan magaalooyinka ku yaala Rhode Island. Maajo 4, 1776, Colony of Rhode Island wuxuu noqday kii ugu horreeyay ee Thirteen Gobollada si ay uga noqdaan sharafkooda British Crown, [11] waxayna ahayd kaalinta afaraad ee dawladaha cusub ee madaxbannaan si ay u ansixiyaan Qodobada Confederation Febraayo 9, 1778. [12] Dawladdu waxay qaadatay shirkii 1787 ee dastuurka maraykanku soo saaray [13] waxayna markii hore diideen in ay ansixiyaan; [14] waxay ahayd markii ugu dambaysay ee shuruudaha ugu horreeya ee lagu sameeyo May 29, 1790. [15] Nike waaxda rasmiga ah ee Rhode Island waa "The Ocean State", oo tixraac ku ah khariidadaha waaweyn iyo xudduudaha qiyaastoodu tahay 14 boqolkiiba guud ahaan aagaggeeda. [2]

Preview of references

  1. . Soo qaatay July 31, 2010.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  2. Cite warning: <ref> tag with name area cannot be previewed because it is defined outside the current section or not defined at all.
  3. . U.S. Census Bureau. July 1, 2017,US/PST045217. Soo qaatay May 6, 2017.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  4. Soo qaatay December 9, 2016.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  5. 5.0 5.1 . United States Geological Survey Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original October 15, 2011. Soo qaatay October 24, 2011.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  6. Elevation adjusted to North American Vertical Datum of 1988