Leonik Tomeu

Nicholas Leonicus Thomæus, profesor i Padovës.

Nikolla Leonik Tomeu ose Nicholas Leonicus Thomaeusis (Niccolò Leonico Tomeo; 1456–1531)[1] ishte një studiues dhe profesor venecian i filozofisë në Universitetin e Padovës. Ai ishte një nga profesorët e parë me prejardhje shqiptare, që jepte mësim filozofinë e Aristotelit në Padovë.[2][3]


Tomeu ka lindur në Venecia, Itali më 1 shkurt 1456 në një familje shqiptare nga Durrësi.[4][5][6][7] Derisa në Firence, ai ka studiuar filozofi dhe letërsi nën tutelën e Dhimitër Kalkondilit.[4][7] Në 1497, Universiteti i Padovës emëroj Tomeun si pedagogun e vet të parë zyrtar në tekstin grek të Aristotelit.[3][5][7] Në 1504, ai u zgjodh për të pasuar Gjergj Vallë-n si kryetar i shqiptarëve në Venecia, por për shkak se Tomeu nuk arriti të marrë postin seriozisht, ai u pasua në 1512 nga Mark Musuri.[7] Në 1524, Tomeu botoi një koleksion të dialogjeve filozofike në Latine, e para e cila ishte titulluar "Trophonius, sive, De divinatione".[5] Ai ishte i admiruar nga dijetarë të tillë si Desiderius Erasmus për aftësitë e tij filologjike.[6] Kur Universiteti i Padovës u rihap pas luftërave të Lidhjes së Cambrai, Tomeu dha mësim në universitet deri në vdekjen e tij më 28 mars 1531.[7]


  • Aristotelis Parva quae vocant Naturalia, Bernardino Vitali, Venice 1523.
  • Trophonius, sive, De divinatione, 1524.
  • Bembo sive de immortalitate animae, 1524.
  • Opuscula. Ex Venetiis, Bernardino Vitali, Venice 1525.
  • Conversio in Latinum atque explanatio primi libri Aristotelis de partibus animalium… nunc primum ex authoris archetypo in lucem aeditus. G. Farri, Venice 1540.

Shih edhe


  1. ^ Pasho Baku: Enciklopedia universale e ilustruar. Shtëpia Botuese Bacchus, Tiranë, 2012, fq. 927 - 928
  2. ^ Runciman 1985, p. 212: "The University of Padua was one of the first to encourage the study of Greek; and Greeks who could lecture on Greek texts were especially welcome. A Chair of Greek was founded there in 1443 and given to the Athenian Demetrius Chalcondylas. One of his successors, Nicholas Laonicus Thomaeus, an Epirot by birth, gave in 1497 a course of lectures on Aristotle, using only the Greek text and a few Alexandrian commentaries."
  3. ^ a b Copenhaver dhe Schmidt 1992, p. 104: "A few years later, cracks in the fortress of Latin Aristotelianism at Padua encouraged the hiring of Niccolò Leonico Tomeo, an Italian-born Greek, to lecture on the Greek Aristotle."
  4. ^ a b Geanakoplos 1985, p. 358: "Born in Venice of Greek parents (wrongly termed Albania by some scholars), Tomaeus as a youth was sent to study in Florence, where at its stadium he read Greek literature and philosophy with his famed compatriot, Demetrius Chalcondyles."
  5. ^ a b c Ossa-Richardson 2013, p. 90: "Niccolò Leonico Tomeo (1456–1531), born in Venice to Greek parents, taught philosophy at Padua from 1497, and became known as a translator and interpreter of Aristotle. In 1524, he published a collection of philosophical dialogues, written in an elaborate Latin; the first of these is entitled 'Trophonius, sive, De divinatione'."
  6. ^ a b Parkinson 2003, p. 40: "Pomponazzi's Paduan colleague Niccolò Leonico Tomeo (1456–1531) was the first professor to lecture on the Greek text of Aristotle. As a Venetian of Greek parentage, Leonico Tomeo inherited the mantle of Byzantine scholars such as Gaza and Argyropoulos along with that of Italian humanists like Poliziano and Barbaro."
  7. ^ a b c d e Bietenhol dhe Deutscher 1995, pp. 323–324: "Niccolò LEONICO TOMEO 1 February 1456–28 March 1531 Niccolò Leonico Tomeo (Leonicus Thomaeus) was born in Venice of Epirote Greek parentage and studied Greek in Florence under Demetrios *Chalcondyles. He had apparently been teaching at the University of Padua for some time when he was appointed its first official lecturer on the Greek text of Aristotle in 1497, since the Venetian senate's decree called him 'very popular and acceptable to the students'. Though elected to succeed Giorgio *Valla in the chair of Greek in Venice itself during 1504, he does not appear to have taken the post up seriously and was superseded by *Musurus in 1512. He returned to Padua as soon as the university reopened after the wars of the League of Cambrai, teaching there continuously until his death..."


Lexime shtesë

  • De Bellis, Daniela (1975). "Niccolò Leonico Tomeo interprete di Aristotele naturalista". Physis: Rivista internazionale di storia della scienza (në italisht). 17 (1–2): 71–93.
  • De Bellis, Daniela (1980). "La vita e l'ambiente di Niccolo Leonico Tomeo". Quaderni per la storia dell'Universita di Padova (në italisht). 13: 37–75.
  • De Bellis, Daniela (1981). "I veicoli dell'anima nell'analisi di Niccolo Leonico Tomeo". Annali dell'Istituto di filosofia, Universita di Firenze (në italisht). 3: 1–21.
  • Serena, A. (1903). "Niccolò Leonico Tomeo". Appunti Letterari (në italisht). Rome: 5–32.
  • Iljaz Gogaj,(1998). "Padova e il suo territorio anno XIII - rivista di storia arte cultura " (në italisht).74: 11-13