Basilat atawa korupsi hartina ngamangpaatkeun (nyalahgunakeun) kakawasaan/kawenangan pikeun kauntungan pribadi anu teu sah.
Sagala bentuk pamaréntahan bisa keuna ku basilat (pulitik) nu petana bisa rupa-rupa, di antarana maling banda nagara, népotisme, kronisme, mangaruhan kawijakan, jsb. Basilat ieu biasana méré lolongkrang atawa ngilungan kana prakték nyulundupkeun narkoba, ngumbah duit (money laundering), jsb.
Naon anu kaasup basilat ilegal téh béda-béda, gumantung kana aturan nagara masing-masing.
Tumbu kaluar
- Documenting Police Brutality; Documenting the Police Archived 2007-06-25 di Wayback Machine
- Copwatch - a national organization that fights for victims of political corruption.
- Police Crimes
- The News Speaks Archived 2006-09-01 di Wayback Machine - a website with information on political corruption
- HUD Misbehaving Archived 2006-04-30 di Wayback Machine - a documented example of corrupt behavior by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Video archive:Governance and Corruption in Public Health Care Systems Archived 2006-07-24 di Wayback Machine
Loka resmi
- United Nations Convention against Corruption at - fully indexed and crosslinked with other documents
- OECD: Corruption
- World Bank anti-corruption page
- UN Office on Drugs and Crime - Has sub-section déaling with corruption worldwide.
- The Development Gateway's virtual library and online community on anti-corruption and good governance
- Transparency International
- Corruption surveys Archived 2005-12-08 di Wayback Machine by Transparency International
- Latin Business Chronicle: Latin American Corruption Reports & Links Archived 2006-07-10 di Wayback Machine
- UNICORN: A Global Trade Union Anti-corruption Network Archived 2015-02-19 di Wayback Machine, based at Cardiff University
- Internet Center For Corruption Research Archived 2006-07-21 di Wayback Machine
- A collection of links to reports of alleged political corruption Archived 2006-07-21 di Wayback Machine
- Global Integrity Report Archived 2006-03-05 di Wayback Machine - Extensive analysis of openness and accountability of governments by the Center for Public Integrity.
- Rainforest Destruction in Indonesia, 2002 Archived 2006-08-18 di Wayback Machine
- A typology of corrupt practices
- Corner House: UK and anti-corruption Archived 2005-07-23 di Wayback Machine
- Tool to analyze anti-corruption and institutional reform
- States ranked as most corrupt - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics
- Corruption : a destabilizing factor for arab societies - CERGES Archived 2006-08-30 di Wayback Machine
- Corruption as a System of Interlocking Vicious Cycles: Lessons from NationLab
- Regular Country Updates from Institute for War and Peace Reporting Archived 2008-08-27 di Wayback Machine
- Forum to Free India from Corruption Archived 2006-08-22 di Wayback Machine
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Artikel ieu mangrupa taratas, perlu disampurnakeun. Upami sadérék uninga langkung paos perkawis ieu, dihaturan kanggo ngalengkepan. |