Britania Raya

Tempo oge: Karajaan Britania Raya
Britania Raya
Britania Raya ngampar antara Irlandia jeung Eropa daratan
Britania Raya ngampar antara Irlandia jeung Eropa daratan

Lokasi Éropa Kulon

Kapuloan Kapuloan Britania

Area 80,823 sq mi (209,331 km2)
Titik pangluhurna Ben Nevis 1344 m
Bandéra Karajaan Ngahiji Britania
Nagara Inggris

Kota panggedéna London

Populasi 57,100,000 (as of 2001)

Suku bangsa Urang Inggris, Skotlandia, Welsh, lianna
Satellite Image of Great Britain

Britania Raya magrupakeun kapuloan penggedéna di Kapuloan Britania.

Kota-kota ibu kota

Kota Ageung Sejenna

  • England: Bath, Birmingham, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Coventry, Derby, Exeter, Hull, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Reading, Sheffield, Southampton, Sunderland, Truro, York.
  • Scotland: Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Inverness, Stirling.
  • Wales: Bangor, Newport, Swansea, Wrexham.

Other islands of the archipelago

  • Anglesey
  • Hebrides
  • Ireland
  • Isle of Man
  • Isle of Wight
  • Lundy
  • Mull
  • Orkneys
  • The Shetland Islands
  • Skye


Tumbu luar

Citakan:British Isles