Fisika tioritis

Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
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Tiori Fisika nyoba mikaharti dunya ku jalan nyieun modél-modél tina alam/zat nyata, dipaké pikeun ngakalan, nerangkeun, nyawang phenomena fisika ku cara "tiori fisika". Aya tilu tiori nu geus tangtu; téori "mainstream", tiori "proposed" sarta tiori "fringe" .

Sababarahahiji tiori dimimitian ku panalungtikan, wheréas others are not. A physical théory is a modél of physical events and cannot be proved from basic axioms. A physical théory is different from a mathematical théorem. Physical théories modél réality and are a statement of what has been observed, and provide predictions of new observations.

Physical théories can become accepted if they are able to maké correct predictions and avoid incorrect ones. Physical théories which are simpler tend to be accepted over théories which are complex. Physical théories are more likely to be accepted if they connect a wide range of phenomena. The process of testing a physical théory is part of the scientific method.

Théoretical physics is just one important part of physics; the other part is experimental physics. The difference between théoretical physics and mathematical physics is that mathematical physics finds the mathematical rigor required in mathematics to be more important than the contact with experiments and observations.