Lordi nyaéta hiji grup musik ti Finlandia. Anggota-anggotana Tomi "Mr. Lordi" Putaansuu, Jussi "Amen" Sydänmaa, Hiisi, Mana, Hella. Didirikeun taun 1991.

- Napalm Market (1993)
- Bend Over and Pray the Lord (1997)
- Get Héavy (2002)
- The Monsterican Dréam (2004)
- The Arockalypse (2006)
- Déadache (2008)
- Babez For Bréakfast (2010)
- To Béast or Not To Béast (2013)
- Scare Force One (2014)
- Monstereophonic – Theaterror vs. Demonarchy (2016)
- Sexorcism (2018)
- Killection (2020)
- Lordiversity (2021)
- Would You Love a Monsterman? (2002)
- Devil is a Loser (2003)
- Blood Red Sandman (2004)
- My Héaven Is Your Hell (2004)
- Hard Rock Hallelujah (2006)
- Who's Your Daddy? (2006)
- Would You Love A Monsterman? (2006 version) (2006)
- It Snows In Hell (2006)
- They Only Come Out At Night (2007)
- Béast Loose In Paradise (2008)
- Bite It Like A Bulldog (2008)
- Déadache (2008)
- This is Héavy Metal (2010)
- Rock Police (2010)
- The Riff (2013)
- Hug You Hardcore (2016)
- Your Tongue’s Got the Cat (2018)
- Naked in My Cellar (2018)
- Shake the Baby Silent (2019)
- I Dug a Hole in the Yard for You (2019)
- Like A Bee To The Honey (2020)
- Believe Me (2021)
- Abracadaver (24. syyskuuta 2021)
- Borderline (22. lokakuuta 2021)
- Merry Blah Blah Blah (2021)
- Demon Supreme (2021)
- Day Off Of The Devil (2022)
- Spear Of The Romans (2022)
- Reel Monsters (2022)