Total War: Attila

Total War: Attila
OriginaltitelTotal War: Attila
ÅrFebruari 2015
UtvecklareCreative Assembly
Antal spelareSingelplayer
FormatWindows, Linux och OS X
SpelmotorTW Engine 3
ProducentMike Simpson, János Gáspár
SpeldesignRichard Beddow
SpelserieTotal War
FöregångareRome 2: Total War
UppföljareTotal War: Warhammer
Steam17 februari 2015

Total War: Attila är ett turordningsbaserat strategispel som släpptes den 17 februari 2015. Spelet är utvecklat av Creative Assembly och gavs ut av SEGA.[1] Spelet är anpassat för Microsoft Windows, OS X och Linux och är utvecklat på den tredje spelmotorn i Total War-serien TW Engine 3. Spelet är det nionde fristående spelet som släpps inom serien.

Spelet utspelar sig under övergångsperioden mellan senantiken och folkvandringstidenAttila ännu inte var ledare över hunnerna. Kartan över spelet sträcker sig över hela Europa med undantag för den norra delen av nuvarande Sverige och hela Norge. Spelbara stater finns även i norra Afrika och hela mellanöstern. Spelet är likt de övriga spelens format i det att man väljer en stat som man sedan ska styra över för att sedan dominera resten av världen med hjälp av en ekonomisk, politisk, och militär strategi. Kampanjen där spelaren styr sitt land sker i turordning medan militära slag kan utkämpas i realtid.

Spelbara nationer

Titel på nationen och beskrivning som angedd på engelska[2]
Nation Beskrivning
Alani "The only god they worship is a sword planted in the earth, and they favour a life of relentless conquest. Yet even the Alani wavered in the face of the Huns and the relentless pillaging that followed in their wake. Many fled the carnage, becoming pawns to Romans and Vandals, while others joined the Huns in search of plunder. Those that remain with the tribe, however, possess the spirit of independence that hitherto defined them. They alone can restore the name and fortunes of the Alani people."
Östra Romerska Riket "The new administrative centre at Constantinople has allowed the Eastern Romans to replace the antiquated systems throttling the economy and enfeebling Rome’s Emperors. As a result, new trade networks and fiscal reforms fill its coffers, all run by a centralised bureaucracy and a powerful state church. The East has safely weathered the storm of barbarian migration, often by diverting them into the West. However, the young Emperor Arcadius will have to negotiate barbarian threats, court intrigues, and the ever-present Sassanid menace to ensure that the last light of the Roman Empire continues to burn."
Frankerna "A confederation of Germanic tribes from the lower Rhine region, they were defeated and eventually allowed to settle at Toxandria as foederati. While the current Frankish leader Faramund’s rule is a fine example for future rulers, a bolder warlord could lead them to greatness against the failing Empire. If a lasting Frankish kingdom is to emerge from Rome’s ashes, the people must be unified - the Franks must be one!"
Hunnerna "In truth, the Huns’ equine expertise is what makes them such formidable foes. In battle, their combination of ranged attacks and the speed with which they can cover ground is breathtaking – and terrifying – to behold. In this way, the Huns have swept into Europe and now threaten Rome itself.

However, they must act swiftly to turn this chaos into an empire. While their leaders’ arguments rage, the horde waits, paralysed, for the arrival of a man. A man powerful enough to unite the Hunnic peoples and bind them to his will…"

Ostrogoterna "Originally known as the Greuthungi, they are a confederation of distinct peoples originally from the Baltic coast who settled close to the Black Sea. Unfortunately, this means they were the first of the Germanic peoples to face the wave of Hun and Alani invasions that have shattered the known world. Now leading an uneasy existence on the Empire’s borderlands, the Ostrogoths are vulnerable to Roman abuse and barbarian attack alike, and so sell themselves as mercenaries to the very same Huns that subdued them. Still, the memory of their former supremacy preserves Ostrogothic hope; a strong leader could rescue them from their plight and restore them to glory…"
Visigoterna "The ravages of the Huns forced them to petition the Roman Emperor Valens for sanctuary in his lands. Although he accepted, local generals brutally extorted the refugees, driving them to open rebellion. Whilst attempting to deal with the Visigoths the impetuous Valens was slain on the battlefield. A period of peace followed until the Visigoths, under Alaric, fought against the Franks in support of the Emperor Theodosius I. Despite their victory, they were denied their reward by Emperor Theodosius. Now, seeking revenge, Alaric has set his sights on the city of Rome itself..."
Sassaniderna "Sassanid vassals consolidated their power in Fars before seizing control of the Parthian Empire. Since then, their lean, centralised administration has revitalised and expanded its boundaries. Such prominence inevitably attracts opposition, however, and the Sassanids now find themselves in a delicate situation. Forces from without threaten their control of the Silk Road, while the Eastern Romans undermine them even in times of peace. Yet the Sassanids cannot be slowed by such things. As their claim to the throne is rooted in military prowess it is imperative that their recent conquests continue, lest control be wrested from Persian hands once more."
Sachserna "While other barbarians fight over the scraps of the decaying Western Empire, the Saxons look to its northern provinces, neglected and drained of troops. Britannia is an especially tempting target, having faced Saxon raids before, when the usurper Maximus commandeered its defenders. Since then, the Saxons have continued to be a thorn in Rome’s side. A series of fortresses, the ‘Saxon Shore’, has even been established to guard against them - a minor obstacle to a well-marshalled and determined Saxon kingdom!"
Vandalerna "For some time they have fought as ‘Foederati’ allies in the Roman struggle against barbarian uprisings. Rewarded with land in Pannonia, the Vandals peacefully co-existed with Rome, even integrating to some extent – enabling figures such as Stilicho, the half-Vandal who now rules the West through a puppet Emperor, to rise. With the arrival of the Huns, however, everything has changed, and the Vandals have been driven out of their lands. They must fight their way across Europe to a kingdom of their own - wherever that fight may take them."
Det västra romerska riket "Its Emperor dances to the tune of a half-Vandal general, its powerless Senators idle on vast, poorly-managed estates. Since the Empire’s division the flaws besetting the West have rapidly become apparent. There is neither the manpower nor the gold needed for an effective army, leaving it unable to deal with the many displaced barbarians pouring across Rome’s borders ahead of the Hunnic horde. Roman Emperors have become increasingly fragile - many are manipulated by generals or deposed by their meddling Eastern counterparts. Nonetheless, it is still possible for the Western Empire to rise again. Times of crisis create opportunities which, if seized upon, will see the Empire re-forged and re-vitalised."


Generellt sett fick Total War: Attila positiva recensioner från kritiker. Spelet fick i genomsnitt 79,64 % på GameRankings och 80/100 på Metacritic.[3][4]


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia.


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