Frutuosi, Auguri na Euloji

Sehemu ya mchoro wa ukutani ikimuonyesha Mt. Frutuosi, Huesca.

Frutuosi, Auguri na Euloji (walifariki 259) walikuwa Wakristo wa Tarragona, Hispania, waliofia dini yao kwa kuchomwa moto katika uwanja wa michezo wakati wa dhuluma ya kaisari Valerian na Galieni.

Wa kwanza alikuwa askofu wa mji huo, wengine mashemasi wake.

Habari za kifodini chao ziliwahi kuandikwa. Ni kwamba baada ya kuungama imani yao mbele ya liwali, walipelekwa kwenye uwanja wa michezo. Huko askofu kwa sauti kubwa aliongoza waumini waliokuwepo kuiombea amani ya Kanisa, halafu wakatupwa motoni wakafa wakisali wamepiga magoti.[1], na ni za kwanza nchini Hispania[2].

Tangu kale wote wanaheshimiwa na Kanisa Katoliki na Kanisa la Kiorthodoksi kama watakatifu wafiadini.

Sikukuu yao ni tarehe 21 Januari[3].

Tazama pia


  1. The text documents the following details. St. Fructuosus, and his deacons were just going to bed when they were arrested. They were examined, at which point they affirmed their belief in the Christian God. They were then sentenced to be burnt. Officers were posted to prevent any sort of disturbance breaking out. They were not completely successful, though, and near the gate of the amphitheatre some of the Christians were able to get close to Fructuosus, and one of them asked him for his prayers. St. Fructuosus replied, in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "I am bound to bear in mind the whole universal Church from east to west." He then added some words of consolation and encouragement to the assembled. As the flames rose and enveloped the martyrs, they stretched out their arms, praying to their God until they died.
  2. Henry Wace, A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature: s.v. "Fructuosus"
  3. Martyrologium Romanum


  • Attwater, Donald, and Catherine Rachel John. The Penguin Dictionary of Saints. 3rd edition. New York: Penguin Books, 1993. ISBN|0-14-051312-4.

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