
Sanamu yake huko Schornsheim.

Lioba (pia: Leoba au Leofgyth; Wessex[1], 710 hivi - Shornsheim, 28 Septemba 782) alikuwa bikira mmonaki Mbenedikto[2][3] kutoka Uingereza ambaye alitumwa kama mmisionari huko Ujerumani mwaka 746[4][5] kwa ombi la jamaa yake Bonifas mfiadini. Kisha akawa abesi na kuanzisha monasteri mbili akiongoza wajakazi wa Mungu kwa maneno na kwa mifano yake bora [6].

Tangu kale anaheshimiwa na Kanisa Katoliki na wengineo kama mtakatifu.

Sikukuu yake ni tarehe 28 Septemba ya kila mwaka[7].

Tazama pia


  1. "Saint Lioba, Abbess. September 28. Rev. Alban Butler. 1866. Volume IX: September. The Lives of the Saints". Iliwekwa mnamo 2020-07-07.
  2. ""Leoba, abbess of Tauberbischofsheim", Epistolae: Medieval Women's Latin Letters, Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning, Columbia University". Ilihifadhiwa kwenye nyaraka kutoka chanzo mnamo 2016-12-21. Iliwekwa mnamo 2021-09-03.
  3. Brownlow, Canon. "The Brother and Sister and Saint Willibald", Report and Transactions - The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art, Vol. 23, 1891, p. 228
  4. Thomas F.X. Noble. Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints’ Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Penn State University Press, 1995
  5. Farmer, David (2011). "Lioba". The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (tol. la 5th revised). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-959660-7.
  7. Martyrologium Romanum


  • Talbot, C. H., ed. The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany: Being the Lives of S.S. Willibrord, Boniface, Strum, Leoba and Lebuin, together with the Hodoeporicon of St. Willibald and a Selection from the Correspondence of St. Boniface. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954.

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